Chapter 9

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Jin slipped out of bed immediately Jungkook pushed the door to their bedroom open. He had tried, he really tried not to think about the events that took place earlier at the Jeon Enterprise when he got home. But there was something in the way the young man kept looking down at him as he held his son close to his chest.

It didn't sit right with him, he was going to let it go actually, I mean If Jungkook was cheating that had to be his business, something he  didn't care to meddle with. But it pricked him in his heart, he didn't know why but it just did and by the time Jungkook got home, he was already hell bent on getting answers out of him.

Tugging on his green colored tie, Jungkook pulled it over his head dumping it into the section meant for dirty clothes in the closet. He brought his fingers up to his buttons and began undoing each one. The walk in closet door opened revealing Jin who took slow strides toward him.

"Can I?" Jin asked reaching his hands towards Jungkook's buttons

The frown that appeared on Jungkook's face causing distortion of his handsome features, did not go unnoticed by Jin. Releasing his fingers from his buttons, he decided not to argue with him and stood still allowing Jin continue from where he left off.

The silence was deafening. They both stood facing eachother, with no one willing to break the silence. Jin undid all the buttons one after the other, before carefully sliding the white sleeve off his husband's shoulders making his inked arm and defined abs come into view.

He gulped.

The thought of another man being held by those arms ate him up from the inside out.
It may have been such an unfortunate circumstance they met in, but it didn't stop him from actually developing real feelings towards Jungkook. He loved him from the very start. He had to, because that was the only logical reason he had to give if ever he is asked why he lost his virginity he so cherished to a total stranger he met just one night.

I love him.

Would be his only and most genuine answer he would give.


"Yes Jin?" Jungkook spoke for the first time, feeling slightly irritated from the close proximity between them.

"C-can y-you make l-love to me please?"

Where had that come from? He had planned on opening up the conversation by asking straight ahead who the hell that guy was.

But standing so close to his husband which doesn't happen so often, made his skin tingle with a burning sensation. His body yearned for attention and burned for his husband's touch. He wanted to feel those inked fingers all over his body, groping him in places that made him weak in the knees.

"You're crazy"

Jungkook said riling Jin out from his thoughts as he pushed passed him heading into the bedroom.

Jin felt a heart wretching pang in his heart. It took his mind a while to register that his husband had blatantly rejected him when he offered himself to him. It made him angry, such anger that resonated from built and pent up frustration. Walking out of the closet too he realized Jungkook had already gone into the bathroom.

The door bust open making Jungkook lift his head up from the sink as he had been rinsing off his mouth after brushing his teeth. Turning the faucet off, Jungkook placed his toothbrush on the marble counter top before turning his attention to Jin.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You've been way out of your head tonight"

"Maybe I am!" Jin yelled

A chuckle escapes Jungkook's thin lips. The type you give off when finding it difficult to believe what you're hearing or seeing. He crooked his neck side to side zeroing his gaze solely on Jin's face

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