Chapter 22

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Jimin pulled himself together before gripping onto the door knob and pulling the door open. The familiar scent of the man across from him went straight up his nostrils causing his heart to beat haphazardly within his chest.

"Y-you came" he stuttered "Please come in" he steps aside allowing the taller man step into the living room.

"What's this about Jimin?"


It was strange, very strange to hear his name roll off the man's tongue so casually. It made his eyes water indeliberately.

"Joonie why have you not been coming back home to me?" he asks, lips wobbling as he fidgeted with his fingers like a lost puppy.

Namjoon stared him down, taking notes of his darkened eye bags, disheveled blonde hair and a somewhat skinny figure. It couldn't be that he'd been going through so much pain after their fall out could it?

Namjoon inhaled, swallowing, "Why do you look like this?" He knew the obvious answer, he just didn't want to believe it for himself.


"You look like you've not been eating well or getting proper sleep in days" he lets out.

Nervously lifting up his head, Jimin stared the man in the eye "I-it's be-cause I miss you"

Namjoon's heart broke into bits.

There's a reason he'd been avoiding coming home to see Jimin, his poor heart couldn't stand hurting the only human he so cared about. He was only trying to pass his frustration across and it somehow led to inflicting the sort of pain he'd sworn never to make him feel.

"Joonie I'm sorry." Jimin began "I know what I did was so wrong and I kept trying to make light of the situation, I don't know what I was thinking when I acted out on my own accord without giving you a chance. Everyday I wish I could go back and turn back the hands of time just to give you closure for all the pain I caused you" hot tears were already breaming down his cheeks.

"You are such an amazing man and I was foolish to doubt you'd not be able to come up with a better solution,I was wrong for taking away a gift without even letting you know. You're right, I'm a monster just like Jun__"

The words didn't make it out of his mouth before Namjoon was pulling him into his chest, whispering calming hushes accompanied with soothing back rubs "Shhh it's okay, I'm sorry too. I'm sorry for lashing out on you like that, you didn't deserve it. You're right I was mad at you but not to this extent of seeing you hurting so bad" he hauled him even closer, rocking him side to side.

Jimin sobbed into his chest, grabbing a fist full of his shirt "I'm sorry Joonie, I was so stupid. I'm sorry please forgive me" he wailed.

"I have. I've long forgiven you babe, I'm sorry for hurting you so much, you're not a monster, It was so stupid of me to have said such. You're  my angel,the only human I could die for"

Cupping Jimin's face with one hand, he brushes his stray hairs away from his eyes, tucking them behind his ears, before giving him a lingering kiss on his forehead, then his nose and then his lips. Namjoon says, "I love you so much, don't ever doubt that. I only want the best for you, that's how in love with you I am babe, I fucking love you Kim Jimin, don't you ever forget that" he whispers ever so softly against Jimin's plump lips.

Jimin lifted his shocked gaze to the Namjoon's face, only to find him grinning "K-im Kim?" He asks in disbelief.

Namjoon chuckled before bopping their noses together "What? You don't want to marry me anymore?"

The tears doubled "this is you proposing to me?"

"Yes! Don't turn me down, although I do not have a ring right here with me but I'll make sure I have it next time. So will you please do me the honor of marrying me Park Jimin? Even though I've been such an asshole to you lately?"

Jimin couldn't believe his ears as he crashed his face into Namjoon's chest again bawling out his eyes "That's such a shitty way of asking me to marry you don't you think?" He says, sniffing.

Namjoon laughed, hauling him up from the floor until his limbs were securely wrapped around him. "Would you rather I ask you while you're moaning underneath me?" He smirked.

Jimin couldn't help but laugh too until his eyes formed crescent moons. He smacked him across the arm "you miss me just as much" he teased while sniffing.

"I'm not going to lie" Namjoon says "I only want to see you cry happy tears, you know the type you cry when you cum all over the sheets. I'd really like to see that right now"

The flowers plopped down from Jin's grip as the image in view got clearer.

He was seeing things or rather hallucinating, he had to be. What the hell was Jeon Jungkook doing sitting by his childrens grave drinking himself to oblivion.

The sound of the flowers falling on dried leaves attracted Jungkook's attention, making him turn his head in the direction of the sound.

"Jin? Jin is that you?" He slurred, clearly intoxicated.

Fear gripped Jin. It was funny how the man was still so capable of controlling his emotions, easily sending chills down his spine without trying too hard. Reaching into the insides of his bag, he pulled out his phone, Ken's number was saved on speed dial.

From a distance he watched Jungkook struggle to get up on his feets, loosing balance and falling on his heels several times before finding balance.

"Soekjin? It's you right?" He questions taking slow shaky steps towards him "I don't know what's wrong with me" he continued "My entire life is falling apart, I don't know what else to do Jin"

Immediately he got to where Jin's feets were rooted, he dropped to his knees placing both hands on his thighs. He let out a very long sigh, brushing his fingers through his hair "This is is the only place I can find peace and I don't know why, it's funny right?"

He rose on his knees allowing both his hands to wrap around Jin's waist as he pulled him closer hugging him tight with his face on his stomach "You smell nice, you always do__" he says, words heavy against his tongue without thoughts "Help me Jin, please help me, I didn't know it would get to this extent. Please help me"

Jin could swear he heard him sniff as he stood still in absolute shock. Body going pliant with anxiety as he broke out in frantic sweats causing his fingers to wobble around his cell phone.

What on earth was going on?

I was already missing you all too much.
Good news is I was able to move my account to a new device somehow without requiring my email password, so for now I'm hoping this won't be an issue as I keep writing. Although like some of you suggested maybe I'd create a back up account asap incase anything goes wrong in the future.
I'd make sure to drop the info here once I do, so for now enjoy this chapter because I honestly have no idea what's going on with Jungkook🤔

Lol, anyways, thank you all for the ideas and supports always. You all have a special place in my heart believe me💜

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