Chapter 12

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Jimin sat beside Jin who laid unconscious on the bed with an oxygen tube attached underneath his nose to aid his breathing. The heart rate monitor by his side beeped ever so lightly making Jimin uneasy.

Jin had fallen into a state of shock and was gradually slipping into coma, the doctors acted fast in bringing his heart rate back to normal with the help of different medical equipments and skilled professionals. He had to be sedated with stabilizing
injections and given sleeping pills.

Jimin had long since forgotten about the bucket of tears that kept streaming down his cheeks. He took hold of Jin's pale hand softly stroking it with his thumb and broke down even more. His lively and bubbly bestfriend laid still and cold in bed and it was hurting Jimin's heart in ways nobody could ever understand.

Namjoon walked into the room with reddened eyes, he threw his head back to stop his tears and sighed.

The pain was too much for anyone to bear, but he was being a man. He needed to be because his partner needed him. And because he knew Jimin was hurting way more than he was, both for Minho and for Jin. Composing himself he walked up to Jimin pulling him by his shoulder into a side hug.

Jimin sniffed looking up at him "Please tell me he will be fine Joonie please"

Namjoon looked his devastated boyfriend in the eye and leaned down to his height as he was sitting on a chair. He tucked some strands of hair that stuck to his face behind his ears before taking a deep breath.

"Baby I want you to listen to me, the doctors are doing everything possible to make him better, I promise you Jin will be fine. I'm here, I'm right here I'm not leaving him and neither I'm I leaving you, we are all in this with him. He will be fine babe I promise"

He rested his hand behind Jimin's head, and carefully pulled him closer placing a long kiss on his forehead.

A nurse came in flashing a polite smile.

"The doctor would like to see a relative or anybody closely related to the patient please"

That's when it dawned on Jimin. Tearing his gaze away from the nurse, he looked back to Namjoon and asked in a low voice

"Where is Jungkook?"

"He's sitting outside, apparently he still cannot believe all that has happened" Namjoon answered.

Jimin had no energy to retort immediately. Jungkook cannot possibly be shocked by all that has happened, this is clearly what he had always wanted. But for now, it was best to keep such thoughts to himself for the sake of everybody.

Jimin weakly stood to his feet assisted by Namjoon.

"I'm his family, I'm the only one he has left so I will go" he gave his reply to the nurse who nodded her head in agreement.

"Sir, may I know how you're related to him?"

Jimin looked to Jin with saddened eyes and back to the nurse "I'm his brother"

He watched the nurse scribble something down on her notepad with a pen before returning her attention back to him.

"May I have a name?"

"Jimin__Park Jimin"

He noticed the nurses brow furrowed.

"I'm sorry sir, but the patients name here  is Jeon Seokjin. Who might that Jeon be?"


Everyone's attention was pulled towards the direction of the voice which came through the door. Jungkook stood with his hands by his side, his face unreadable, his eyes were red with maybe a hint of sadness present in them or not. He was Jeon Jungkook afterall nobody ever really understood him.

Jungkook and Jimin sat before the doctor, an aged man with some traces of grey hairs on his head. They watched as the man sternly scrutinized the computer screen in front of him dragging the cursor with the help of a mouse from one point to the other.

After sitting there in silence for a while, Jungkook impatiently spoke up.

"Did you call us here to watch you do whatever it is you're doing on your computer or to tell us how my husband is doing?"

The man sat up straight adjusting his thick rimmed glasses on his face "I'm sorry Mr__?"


"Oh yes Mr Jeon"

Jimin watched as the man's eyes lit up, maybe in realization that he was sitting before the great Jeon, the very one who controlled more than half of the country's economy or maybe it was purely coincidental, he couldn't tell.

The doctor cleared his throat intertwining both fingers together on his table.

"You see, what I'm about to say might be shocking but it was inevitable and we had to do it to save the patient's life"

Jimin heart rate picked up while he adjusted uncomfortably in his seat.

"W-what do y-you mean?" He couldn't make out his words without stuttering.

Jungkook on the other hand remained somewhat collected as he waited for the doctor to continue.

"First of all I'm sorry for the loss of your children mr Jeon"

Jungkook gripped the edges of his seat and before Jimin could say anything, he did

"What the hell are you talking about? We lost a Child and not children, what the fuck are you saying!" He yelled

The man exhaled, one that went on forever before he eventually said,

"Actually sir, your husband was pregnant, he was six weeks along and we didn't notice until few hours ago. He went into the state of shock causing his heart rate to speed up pumping excessive amount of blood through his body, thereby putting the baby into a distress state. We were busy fighting for his life without paying attention to the life weakening inside him. By the time we were able to put him in a stable condition, the fetus was already gone. It would have complicated issues much further if left inside him so we had to flush it out. We are deeply sorry"

Too many things were happening at the same time.

Jungkook's knees wobbled as he stood to his feet while Jimin on the other hand, was almost hyperventilating and at the point of passing out.

But the doctor had to say the most crucial part of the information anyways, and so he did

"It would take a miracle for him to be able to conceive again, due to the circumstances he lost the baby in"

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