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"All right, finally getting some details on the riot." Hondo said as he looked at his tablet "Three different gangs have taken over three different sections of the prison."

"They gain entry to the control room?" Deacon questioned


'That means they have keys to nearly every cell in the place." Y/n let out a sigh as she made sure everything she needed was ready

"That can't be good." Street shook his head

"That include the armory?" Tan questioned

"Yes, it does." Hondo nodded "Any firepower the guards have, now they have.'

"What gangs we looking at, boss?" Chris spoke up

"One-Niners?" Tan asked

"Give that man a prize." Hondo handed the tablet to deacon: who then read from it

"Shot caller's Katrell Porter. O.G. doing hard time."

"The one thing he is not is felony stupid." Hondo spoke up

"In Cellblock B, it looks like the Baja Diablo cartel's in charge now. Lot of muscle. Bunch of veteranos running around who like to kill people. Their leader's name is "Moco" Hernandez."

"Hold up. They call this guy Moco?" Y/n chuckled

"That's probably why he's so angry." Luca shook his head slightly

"Well, the third gang's the worst." Hondo added

"What, Nazi Eagles?"

"Yep, one and the same. They're currently in possession of Cellblock C. Now, we all know their work: running crystal meth out of Fontana, led by Gunnar Cade. I heard stories about him. It's one thing to be smart and another to be vicious, and this guy's both."

"All right, we all stay sharp. The bad guys are gonna have serious home court advantage. There's gonna be danger around every corner." Hondo reminded them

"All right, we're here. Let's go!" Luca hollard as he pulled up

"Watch each other's backs." Deacon warned them, they got out and Hondo went to Cortez and a man

"Thank God you're here." The man spoke

"Hondo, this is Ashe Jones. He's the owner of this prison." Cortez told Hondo

"Didn't know somebody could own a prison."

"I'm private sector. I have a contract with the state. They pay my company to run this facility." He explained further

"What can you tell us about what happened here?" Hondo asked

"Details are thin. Seems to have started with the white pride prisoners. When the warden shifted resources to try to deal with them, the Baja Diablos and One-Niners took advantage and were able to overrun us." He explained what he knew "From what I hear, it was just too much for our CERT Teams."

"Are negotiators talking to the gangs?" Y/n piped in

'To the Baja Diablos and the One-Niners, yes." Cortez nodded

"They make any demands yet?" Hondo looked at him

"Better food, more yard time, conjugal visits."

"That's pretty standard stuff." Luca nodded

"No word yet from the Nazi Eagles and Gunnar Cade?" Y/n looked at ashe

"They haven't answered our calls."

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