𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙠𝙮 𝙏𝙤𝙬𝙣

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"Number five today. We haul his ass in, we're halfway through Metro's Most Wanted." Luca spoke as they got suited up

"Well, there's a reason today's target has been so tough to grab. Dude's smart and crafty as hell." Hondo nodded as he tightened his belt

"Nothing's gonna beat number two." Tan shook his head

"The little guy with the Gatling?" Y/n asked chuckling

"Yeah, that gun was as big as he was" deacon chuckled as well as he thought back to it

"He shot the hell out of it though" Luca smiled

"Hey, Beni, I appreciate you riding with us while we're a man down." Hondo looked over at him

"Long as Metro's crazy enough to give you a team, I'll pinch-hit anytime." 

"Street says hello." Chris walked up to them, they all looked at each other

"Oh, yeah?" Hondo asked "How's he doing?'

"About how you'd expect." Chris shrugged "You should ask him yourself, if you're curious."

"Let's roll, people." Hondo spoke as they shut their lockers


"Our primary target is Mack Drummond. Chances are he'll have a Haitian wingman named Sal Desir with him." Hondo spoke "He's the guy who brings the kids over before they auction 'em off."

"After he buys 'em off their parents." Tan shakes his his head at the thought

"What kind of lowlife sells children as servants?" Deacon questioned

"The kind about to get served a smackdown." Beni told them Hondo chuckling at that

"Poor kids. I mean, the lucky ones end up as only servants." Luca kept his eyes on the road but he was angry

"Well, these guys are as low as they come." Hondo stated sadly "They could be holding up to a dozen child hostages, waiting to auction 'em off. So be sure of your targets. Watch your backstops and beyond. We're gonna run a covert clearing off of me. I want to be right on top of these guys before they even know we're there."


They went in  and quietly did as told, searching every room when someone passed them

"Hands!" Deacon yelled as they entered the room, he grabbed onto the man yanking him away from the window "Hands where I can see 'em."

The man got on the ground and deacon held his gun to him he looked up at y) n and Tan "Go. Code 4."

The two left the room but then the ground began to shake

"Earthquake!" Luca yelled as prices of the ceiling and walls fell down around them

"Y/n, Tan, Deac. You good?"  Hondo's voice came through

"Y/n and I are fine." Tan spoke, a wall had fallen and separated them from deacon

"Deacon, you okay?" Y/n asked and got no answer

"he's not with you?" Hondo asked "Deacon. Deacon, do you copy?"

"Deac! You hear me in there?" Tan asked but got no answer "Deacon! You hear me in there?"

"Deacon!" Y/n asked panicked filling her voice, she heard coughing on the other side "Deac!"

"Yeah, I hear you." He groaned "My radio's busted. My leg's pinned. But I'm good."

"What about your suspect?" Tan questioned

"He's pinned down under some rubble. He's not a threat. Get those kids out. You come back for me later. I'll be all right."

Got Your Six// S.W.A.T x Reader (posting) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora