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Quietly they walked the perimeter of a house when suddenly a dog began to bark but they continued on Luca placed the gadget on the door and threw a stun bomb into the house through the window. A noise sounded as it went off and the door fell down them heading into the building

"Metro SWAT! Get down"

"Hands behind your back!" Chris yelled as they gatheredeveryone up

"Get down! Give me your hands! Hands, now!"

"Hands behind your back!"

"Okay, okay, okay!"

"Hey!" Chris yelled gaining y/n's attention as she threw the guy she hand cuffed to the ground "Suspect running side three!"

Y/n ran after him before tackling the man down the stairs as they hit each one, the girl stood up grabbing into vid arm "Get up." The man obliged "How far did you really think you were gonna get?"

"All clear." Tan called out "Girl's not here. No sign that she ever was."

"Y/n,get him out of here." Hondo told the  girl and with nod she carried the man out


Y/n and street stood watching tan talk to someone he thought would know something about their case. within minutes tan started to walk back to them

"He's got something." Street said to the girl

"Hopkins spotted a car cruising around last night before the shoot-out." Tan nodded at them "Matches the description. Saw it parked at the 170 Motel around the corner. He figured tourists."

"Out-of-towners can't tell the difference between Hollywood-the-hood and Hollywood-the-biz." Y/n let out a sigh

"Is it still there?" Street looked at tan

"One way to find out." Tan shrugged "Let's go."


"23-David. Show us Code 6, 1700 block Harvard Boulevard, Hollywood." Y/n spoke into her radio her

"It's not the plate we want." Street looked out the window

"Doesn't match the car in the database, either." Y/n added

"Front desk will have a copy of the I.D. from check-in." Tan told them "We can run the name."

"Even if it's fake, the clerk will know which room goes with that car." Y/n nodded understanding him

"All right." Street nodded them getting out of the car and began walking "I'll do a casual walk-by."

They walked up to the building y/n went inside while street check the car, gunshots rang and y/n and tan looked past the wall to see a group shooting at street, they pulled their guns out and shot back

"26-David to Command. Shots fired. Four suspects with the hostage."

Gunshots rang out from street again as the men fell down, the girl they held tried to get away but one of them out a bag over her head and pulled her away. They got into the car and as the did so they continued to shoot the car backed away quickly as they shot at it but that didn't stop them. They began chasing after the car but they knew they wouldn't catch up

"23-David. We have four suspects driving northbound on Harvard Boulevard in a silver Chrysler 300." Y/n said as they got into their car, street sped off "23-David. We've lost visual. We need backup and an airship."

"Command to 23-David. Airships are not close enough. I have units rolling Code 3 to your location."

"Roger that."

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