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It's been two days since Arieon had woken up. The doctor kept paying daily visits to monitor her health. She was advised to stay in the room instead of walking up and down. She began to argue at first but he promised to move the crib to their room so she would be able to see them.

Work had piled up from Enzo and Matteo but they squeezed out of their schedules to visit her sometimes.

"My three little nuggets", Arieon cooed as she admired the beauty of her tiny triplets. Her phone began to ring. "Hello?", She answered without looking at the caller ID. "Is there a reason your phone was switched off for three solid days?", Lucas voice rang in her ears.

Her eyes widened, "Oh my God, Lucas I'm so sorry. Don't be mad, it wasn't intentional. I just gave birth like four days ago and I've unconscious afterwards. I woke up two days ago". "You have birth?", He asked surprised. "I thought you were due next week?", He asked again.

She chuckled, "Me too". "How does he look like?", He asked. "Surprisingly, I gave birth to triplets", she said. "Damn!", He exclaimed happily and she laughed. "Send a picture of the tree Chipmunks after this", he said and she hummed.

"And I card to ask for help", he said. "For what?", She asked. He let out a sigh. "Do you know the kind of necklace to buy for a girl who has never had one?", He asked sheepishly. Arieon raised a brow as she went to sit on the bed. "I don't understand. You want to buy a necklace for a girl who has never had one", she said.

"Yes", he answered. "Explain from the beginning", she demanded. "When we cut ties and I was so bent on letting you go. There was this particular intern in my company that kept messing things up. She's an African though. I got so mad at her and fires her", he said.

"I'm listening", she said. "The next day, I went to get coffee at a local Cafe and I saw the girl. She was sad and gloomy as she worked behind the counter. She even freaked out when she saw me. To cut everything shirt, she's nineteen years old. She's trying to get a job so she can take care of her little brother. Their parents died and she's still in University though", he said to her.

"Did you hire back?", Arieon asked him. "Yes, I did. But she refused. She said my company discriminates her because of her skin color", he said with a sigh.

"So you like her?", She asked teasingly. "I don't know but I like her accent. She's a timid girl too", he answered. "Hmm, okay then. Just get her a pendant first, maybe a flower shaped jewel", she said. "Thank you", he said gratefully. "Send me a picture of the lucky girl", she said teasingly. "You'll not let me off the hook, will you?", He asked with a sigh.

"Never", she said and he chuckled. "Bye", he said and hung up. She sighed and laid on her back. She placed her hand on her stomach. It was still big but it was also soft too. "I guess I'll have to start exercising", she said and stood up.

She made her way to the closet. She was about to walk in when one of the babies started crying. She turned around to face them. "Alessa", she mumbled as she approached them. She gently carried her and Alessa kept quiet. Arieon laughed and shook her head. "So you're mommy's baby", she said as she pecked her nose before putting her down beside her brothers.

She quickly took a picture of them and sent it to Lucas before going back into the closet to get her work out clothes. She walked out and saw Agatha dropping a tray of food on the bed. "Thank you", Arieon told her. "You're welcome", Agatha smiled as she went to the babies' crib. "They're so cute!", She cooed and Arieon laughed.

Agatha gently traced her index finger across Antonio's soft cheeks. The corners of his lips lifted up showing her that he was enjoying her touch. She giggled and tapped his nose before standing up straight to face Arieon who was looking at her with a teasing smile. "Don't look at me like that", Agatha said and she laughed.

"Why are you holding gym clothes?", Agatha asked as she noticed the clothes in Arieon's hands. "I need to work out", Arieon answered as she went to drop the clothes on the bed. "You need to recover properly first", Agatha told her.

Arieon was about to reply but got interrupted by Andrea's cry. "He's hungry", Agatha told her. Arieon nodded and went to pick up the crying infant. "Better be quick with feeding him before one of the others start crying", Agatha said teasingly. "The worst is if they all cry at the same time, I might go insane", Arieon said as she began to breast feed her son.

"His eyes are closed", Agatha said as they watched the baby suck like his life depended on it. "I can't wait to see his eye color", Arieon said. "No doubt it's going to be Enzo's", Agatha said and they nodded in agreement. "I'm going to take a nap", Agatha told her. "Sleep tight", Arieon winked at her before she left laughing.

"Are you full?", Arieon asked her baby. As if replying her, he continued to suck on her nipples and placed his tiny hands on her shirt. She giggled and caressed his tiny hands. Andrea fell asleep after being fed. As Arieon placed him in the crib, Antonio began to cry. "You guys are going to be the death if me?", She sighed as she picked him up.

It was already dark when Enzo cane back home. Arieon was eating her dinner as she chatted with her sisters. "You're back early", she said as he walked into the room. "It's just nine thirty", he said as he shrugged off his blazer. "Exactly, you're early", she said. He rolled his eyes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Arieon stood up from the bed and went to the crib where they babies were. Antonio was awake but he wasn't crying. "Hello cutie", she whispered sweetly. His eyes met hers and he parted his lips. His eyes were gray just like Enzo's. They were very clear like glass. "I'm not going to be surprised if you look like your daddy", she said to him.

The little baby just blinked at her twice and pouted at her. She smiled and tapped his noise. Enzo walked out wearing only a pair of sweatpants with a towel on his head as he dried his hair.

" Sono così fottutamente stanco", he moaned as he threw the towel aside and went to lay on the bed. He was about to lay his head on the pillow when Alessandra began to cry. "Merda!", He cursed as he stood up. Before Arieon could pick her up, he already did.

She immediately kept quiet and snuggled closer to him. "Daddy's baby girl", she teased and her rolled his eyes. 

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