The First Death: Her weakness, her strength

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The Paladins and Princess stared at the woman in shock, but before they could ask any other questions, she turned towards the door and started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Allura asked.

"I have to bring my Paladin her bracelet before she collapses in exhaustion. I need to be with her." She answered and then ran out of the lounge to find Novae. The Paladins, Allura and Matt all ran down the halls following the woman.

All of a sudden, Coran came running down the halls with a panicked look on his face.

The group stopped while the woman ran past Coran down the halls.

"Coran, what's the matter?" Allura asked, fear filling her entire body.

Coran looked up showing off the fear and worry in his eyes, "I was leading Novae to a cell, when she suddenly collapsed. She was pale and she wasn't breathing properly, Princess."

Everyone ran down the halls again without a single thought, their worry for their friend more important the truth. They ran even faster until they heard the woman shouting for Novae.

"Young Star! Young Star! Wake up, dear. Wake up!" She shouted.

When the group got back, they saw the woman cradling Novae in her arms with fear in her eyes. The woman took the bracelet and placed it back on Novae's wrist. Immediately, Novae's pale face returned to its normal color and her eyes opened slowly.

"Novae!" Everyone shouted as they ran over to her and the strange woman. But then, they were stopped by a shout.

"Stay away from her!" The woman shouted at the group, making them stop in their place, "You will never touch her again!"

"Stop..." Novae whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. She slowly got up to her knees and took a deep breath in before looking down at her bracelet, then looked up at the woman holding her.

"There is no need to shout at them, Gold." Novae said, "They deserve the right to shout."

"No they do not!" The woman shouted back, pointing at them accusingly, "I could feel their hate towards you as soon as you revealed your heritage. And that princess called you a traitor when you've died for them so many times."

Their eyes widened at her last statement.

"Wait, what do you mean.... died?" Pidge asked.

The hall was silent for a time, everyone with all sorts of questions running through their mind. Just then, Novae stood up on her feet with help from the woman. She looked over at her and smiled.

"I believe I should reveal more about the two of us, do you not agree, Gold?" Novae asked the woman. The woman, Gold, looked at Novae like she was crazy, but she couldn't go against her Paladin.

"Very well." Gold turned towards the group, glaring at the Princess, "Princess Allura, could we borrow the AI chamber?"

Allura's eyes went wide. She hadn't set foot inside the AI chamber since her father's AI was destroyed.

"Why do you want to borrow it?" She asked.

"It would be better to speak to them. I do not recall so much of the past myself. But they will be able to explain much better than I could ever try. And Coran, could I borrow one of the mental headbands? I will need one to help everyone speak to them." Novae answered and walked towards the AI chamber with the others following her every shaky step.

When they got to the chamber, Allura's hands shook in memory of her father's true death. They walked into the room and watched as Novae sat down in the center of the room.

The Gold PaladinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz