A Golden Celebration

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It was calm and peaceful as Novae opened her eyes to a serene setting, and standing in front of her was he Guardian she created in Oriande. Novae had explained everything about the new Guardian, given by her the name Drisana, to the other Paladins. Though they were surprised, the group understood that this could be possible with Novae. She has done some incredible things in the past, why would this time be any different?

Drisana smiled at her creator, kneeling down on one knee to show her respect to her Empress.

"Empress Novaleyia, I am honored to see you once again. Are you well?" Drisana asked in a calm yet powerful tone.

"I have been well, Drisana." Novae answered with a smile, "And what of you? Has everything been well in Oriande and Zenithsia?"

"The witch Honerva has been relentlessly attempting to gather more information from Oriande, however, recently she has stopped trying to break through my defenses."

"Perhaps she knows that it now hopeless to try and get information forbidden to her."

"Perhaps, my Empress. Or perhaps she has found all the information requires."

Novae became more concerned, "What do you mean by that? Explain."

"As I was defending the temple from Honerva, I heard her whisper something to herself. I heard her say that all the pieces were in place."

"I see." Novae sighed.

"Are you all right, Empress?" Drisana asked, "You seem to be weakened and tired."

"With everything going on, I have yet to take a proper break or rest. An overwhelmed mind I suppose you could call it."

"Pardon me if I am speaking out of turn, Empress, but perhaps a break is required for you."

"I understand that but--"

"But, there is a planet nearby that is having quite the celebration. It would be a shame if you were unable to experience it after so many years of not doing so."

Novae was confused for a second, but before she could ask what Drisana meant, her dream was coming to an end. She opened her eyes once again, immediately feeling the warmth of another behind her and an arm wrapped around her waist. Novae turned in her bed and saw Shiro sleeping peacefully next to her. With a soft smile, she carefully unwrapped his arm from her waist and got up to start the day.


The ship was bustling with activity as the day passed on. Novae had accompanied Allura to the interrogation room to question one of the Altean pilots they had taken into custody.

"Allura, are you ready?" Novae asked as they walked up to the door.

Allura nodded and they both went inside, meeting an Altean man named Tavo. However, Tavo looked more nervous and scared as they sat down on the other side of the table.

"Tavo, we to thank you for speaking with us today." Allura said.

"Forgive me, Princess Allura, Empress Novaleyia, but we don't have much time." Tavo said terrified.

"Why do you say that?" Novae asked.

"Please. Once Honerva discovers I'm speaking with you, it will be over."

"Slow down. What are you trying to--?" Allura was cut off when Tavo looked up from his shaking hands with so much fear in his eyes.

"Listen to me." He said, "Now that she has Lotor, she will use him to destroy everything--"

Suddenly, Tavo stopped speaking and grabbed his head in pain, stumbling back to the wall while screaming from the uncomfortable pain.

"Tavo!" Novae and Allura shouted, rushing over to him as two doctors entered the room behind them.

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