The New Defender

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The Paladins of Voltron kept of fighting for Naxzela, firing at the Galra ships and forces on the ground and sky.

"It appears that all of the planets we've engaged have been pacified, if not totally liberated." Coran informed the Paladins, "Wait a minute. There's another Galra battle cruiser approaching Naxzela."

Novae tensed up, a bad feeling continuing to wash over her just as it did before. And from how uneasy she felt, it had to be something really bad.

"Power is down. Zaiforge cannon Senfama, are you still operational?" The Paladins heard Matt say through the radios.

"Negative." Keith responded.

"That incoming battle cruiser must have shut them down remotely." Coran said.

"Sorry, Shiro. That's it for artillery support. What should we do about that cruiser?"

Voltron jumped into the air, smashing into a large Galra structure on the ground.

"That cruiser's gonna be too late. Naxzela's almost secure." Shiro replied, "We just need to take out the last of the heavy artillery."

All of a sudden, Novae felt something shift near her. She looked to the left and saw an attack coming straight towards them.

"On our left!" She shouted, quickly creating a shield using the Gold Wings of Voltron. Novae pushed as much power as she could into the wings and diverted the attack away from Voltron and back towards the Galra cruiser. The ship was blown to pieces when the blast hit it full force, leaving nothing behind but scrap metal.

"Nice save, Novae." Shiro praised the Gold Paladin as the wings returned to Voltron's back.

Voltron flew through the fiery cloud and Hunk activated the shoulder cannon, firing towards the Galra on the ground. The blast quickly split into several shots, giving a devastating blow as each shot hit a vulnerable spot in the Galran forces.

Voltron stood tall and strong as they watched the Galra forces erupt in flames. Their victory was coming closer and closer with every enemy force they defeated. But each attack Voltron fired, Novae felt even more uneasy. A voice telling her to get away from Naxzela, but once again she ignored it, focusing on the mission.

Voltron swerved to the left, swinging their sword back and forth hitting all small Galra fighters.

"Get away, now!" The voice shouted in Novae's head, so loudly that it hurt her a little.

"Young Star, are you all right?" The Gold Lion asked.

"I'm all right." Novae answered, "Perhaps I used too much of my power."

Voltron landed on Naxzela's surface, but at the same time, the entire planet began shaking terribly.

"Whoa! Did we cause that earthquake?" Lance asked at the feel of the shaking ground.

"I don't think so!" Pidge shouted back.

The ground rumbled harshly, rocks and buildings shaking and thrashing from the pressure as Voltron's alarms blared in the Paladin's ears and the red lights flashing in their cockpits.

"Guys, look over there!" Hunk said.

Everyone turned around and saw a large structure rise from the ground. It was massive! And from the surrounding area, several more structures rose up from the ground. The voice Novae heard before was now screaming even louder, causing her to let go of her controls to clutch her head in pain.

"Uh... guys, what are those?" Lance asked.

"We've never seen anything like this from the Galra before." Pidge said.

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