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Allura, with help from Novae, had finished the ship with Lotor in record time and it was almost time for the team to arrive at Daibazaal. Lotor said that there was a portal that would lead them to the quintessence field, so they set a course to continue the mission.

Novae was anxious to arrive at Daibazaal. It had been over ten thousand years since she had even been in the same solar system as Zarkon's planet. Just thinking about the now destroyed planet sent shivers down her spine. It was the planet of a monster and the place where Zarkon and Honerva had died all those years ago.

Everyone could see as Novae stared out the window, watching the stars with anxiousness in her eyes and her hands shaking slightly.

"Novae, are you sure you're all right?" Shiro asked, breaking her from her stare into space.

"I'm as fine as I can be." Novae said quietly, something that was completely out of character for her. It almost scared the team.

"Princess. Novaleyia." Lotor said catching their attention, "It's time we get ready for departure."

Novae and Allura went with Lotor to the dock where the now finished sat waiting for the three of them to take off. As they stood in front of the finished ship, Novae glared at Lotor from the corner of her eye, ready to spring her trap in necessary.

"I've waited an eternity for this." Lotor said, dreaming of the future he wanted.

"We've done everything we can to prepare us for this moment. We're ready." Allura said.

Lotor and Allura faced each other, Allura's face turning slightly pink as she stared at the Galra Prince. My eyes widened. She couldn't be falling for him, right?

"It means so much to me to share this with you." Lotor said, then he turned to me, "Including you, Novaleyia. I hope that after the universe is ushered into an era of peace, we could perhaps begin to mend our friendship."

Novae didn't say a word and climbed into her area of the ship, grabbing the controls and preparing to take flight as Allura and Lotor did the same.

"Young Star, are you quite sure of voluntarily falling into Lotor's plot?" The Gold Lion asked anxiously, "This could cause harm to yourself later on."

"If it means protecting my team, then I will take the consequences." Novae replied with determination in her thoughts.


Everyone waited for Lotor, Allura and Novae to appear on the screen once they were ready to begin the system check. Just a couple minutes later, they appeared, Allura and Lotor sitting in the ship while Novae took the front most cockpit of the ship. The team had asked once why her position was in the front most part of the ship, and Lotor simply said that Novae would need to be closest to the quintessence field so that her powers of controlling quintessence could function at their greatest levels.

It hardly made sense to the others, but then again, they didn't completely understand Novae's powers.

"Beginning system check. Front and rear stabilizers." Lotor checked off.

"Front and rear stabalizers are go." Allura confirmed.

"Quintessence collection array."

"Quintessence collection array is go."


"Infracells up."


"Dynotherms connected."

"Switching on mega-thrusters."

"Mega-thrusters are go."

"Okay, I can't be the only one who sees that this is nuts, right?" Hunk asked, "I mean, just getting in there is a long shot. Then they have to make it out again?"

The Gold PaladinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin