The Prisoner

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It had been some time since the battle on Naxzela. The Coalition had successfully taken over a third of the Galra Empire, loosening the hold the Galra Empire had on the universe and bringing a new resolve to those fighting in the Rebellion to continue fighting through until the war was finally put to an end.

But, even though the attack on Naxzela was a success, the Paladins were unable to rest peacefully.

After Lotor said that he wanted to speak to the Paladins, he surrendered and was taken into custody at the Castle of Lions. He didn't pose a threat to the Paladins, but he was still imprisoned in the lower levels of the Castle. He tried to earn the group's trust by pointing out several Galra hideouts, supply routes, and other Galra weak points where the team could hit and run without drawing too much attention or wasting too much strength and time.

However, Lotor, after every time Allura and Shiro were given information by Lotor, the Galran prince always asked to see Novae, daring to call her his cousin with a smile.

And every time, he was denied. The first time he asked to see her, Shiro and Allura told her about his request. All she said was that she didn't consider family, and that she didn't want to talk to him unless it was their only option. After all, why should she want to willingly speak to the one who caused the death of her close friend, Namine, and turned her in to be tortured?


The Lions flew to a large moon occupied by the Galra. It was a base filled supplies and equipment needed for upgraded sentries the Galra were creating.

"That's our target, the moon of Tragoch." Shiro confirmed.

"According to our latest intelligence, that's where the Galra are building their upgraded sentries." Allura said.

"By destroying this base, the Galra won't be able to resupply for months." I said.

"And how so we know this isn't a trap?" Lance asked.

"All the intel's checked out so far. Everything's exactly how we were told it'd be." Shiro said.

All of a sudden, their sensors picked up several fighters heading towards them.

"Including preparing us for those."

"Allura, I'm sending you the signals to interfere with the drones." Pidge said.

The Blue Lion flew closer to the drones, "Signal acquired. Broadcasting."

The Blue Lion used its wide-range sonar to broadcast the signal to the drones, deactivating them and letting them float in space lifelessly.

"Now, let's take them out before they recalibrate and report our approach." Shiro ordered.

All of the Lions activated their jaw blades and quickly destroyed all the drones before they could come back to life.

"Form up on me. We're going in." They followed Shiro into an opening leading inside the base.

"We only have five minutes before the Galra notice that their drones aren't responding. Be careful to stay in formation and don't touch the sides!" Shiro warned the others.

The Lions carefully flew through the tunnels of the base. However, the Yellow Lion was flying too fast around an oncoming curve and hit the side of the tunnel hard. As soon as Hunk flew away, the panel he hit fell off, releasing a massive wave of hot lava.

"I think I may have nicked the side a little bit." Hunk said in a panicked voice.

"Let me through!" Allura shouted, turning her lion around, Novae turned around with her while the others went on ahead. She shot a freeze ray at the lava, which slowed it down, and Novae used her abilities to strengthen the barrier so that it wouldn't melt too fast.

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