Rite of Passage

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Bruno's fiancé was two years older than he, though ten times crazier. Her name was Evita, and she loved nothing more than her daring adventures with Bruno. They would get in trouble as teens, and grew to be more cautious. Three weeks after Bruno proposed, Evita was murdered.

It seemed like a regular night. After a wonderful date, Bruno had led her home, saying cheerful goodbyes. Everything was normal in her house, until her mothers scream shattered the warm, merry flow in the air.

Evita's head had been on the pillow, but when the blanket was lifted, there was no body that followed.

After several hours of searching, all but Evita's heart was found. It was determined that someone had sliced it out while Evita was alive, and the dismemberment both caused and followed her death.

Naturally, the blame shifted to the L/n's.

"What?" You shriek, alerting the whole family. The room gets quiet, too quiet.

"Pablo. Joshua." Papa rises, signaling that you, along with the two men, follow him.

You enter a room you've never been allowed in before, the place Papa has the war meetings. Once a person goes in, that person is magically forbidden to tell anyone what happened inside there. You've seen, and now felt, the horror in my family's eyes as you watch them enter, their faces grim.

It's a small room, with pillows on a low table. A map of 18 different settlements and villages sits on the table, and books upon books line the walls. The walls are painted orange, but reddish lights filter through the room and give a murderous feel to it.

Tio Pablo and Joshua sit on two pillows opposite each other. You take a seat next to Joshua, fearing for both yourself and them. They entwine their fingers in an odd way, index fingers and thumbs straight, with the thumb pressed against their nose, the index finger caressing their forehead. You copy them, and close your eyes.

Papa shuts the door, and you hear a lock click. Strange.. he's never locked the door before.

Papa does the same as Pablo and Joshua, although he takes a bow.

"We swear to do what's right, to protect both our Encanto and the neighboring communities. While we live, we shall fight to ensure the well being of all around us, no matter the cost. Salute!"

"Salute!" The men chant, and you loosely follow. By now you're shaking, with legs that have turned to jelly. It doesn't matter, since you're sitting, but it worries you greatly that you will be a part of something terrible.

Papa takes a seat. "First, I give thanks to our candle, which allows our paths to be paved, guiding and helping us in our missions. Second, I thank my brother Pablo, and my son Joshua, for being in this room tonight, and for helping carve out get another plan to help our community." Papa speaks to the ceiling, while the other two now their heads and nod.

"And finally, I give thanks to my daughter, who has been training her whole life to join our causes. Y/n, I could not be more proud." Papa declares, and claps. Joshua gives you a tight squeeze and pat on the back, while Pablo roars with delight and joins in the applause.

"Y/n, you will be given your first ever mission. It's one of the most important missions yet. Joshua and Pablo have been preparing, but we need you to help us." Papa continues, authority riddles his voice, carrying throughout the room.

Papa wants you to complete your first mission. You're so happy, you want to scream with joy. But if my Papa taught you anything in training, it is to never trust a foreigner. And right now, Papa doesn't seem so trustworthy. So instead, suspicion runs through your veins.

Papa smiles. "My dear, I haven't even told you what it was yet. No need for such worry, I believe it'll be quite enjoyable." Pablo gives Papa a look of dissent. "For you, anyway. Joshua, if you will."

Joshua stands, and bows to each of you. "We have found the town is growing dependent on the Madrigals. Not only that, but we have sprouted issues such as sexism and social classes, things we exclusively removed from our mindset while we built and began to thrive. Crime has increased in this village, a drastic outlier from the decreasing famine and demographic-based verbal and physical attacks we've been seeing in the villages we patrol on a regular basis."

"We believe a single family is at the top of our social pyramid. Like royalty, if you will. Y/n, I believe you know who we're talking about."

You do know. You've hated them your whole life, but maybe not so much now. Mirabel might be your best, and only, friend. Antonio.. well.. Maria needs him. To be honest, you might need him. Dolores.. she doesn't even know you, but she's willing to be your wingman for.. Camilo.

The boy you like. Not the first, you'll admit, but the only who might be more than just a crush. You feel so guilty to be here, even to be thinking about whatever plan they're concocting.

"You want me to rid the town of the Madrigals magic." You state. "I'm not sure that's the best way to help our Encanto."

"Y/n, do you not remember what they have done to us? Cast us aside simply because of their own greed. Do you not believe they have done the same to others? Looking down on the poor, the truthful, or the ones brave enough to face them? When crime happens, who is first blamed? Certainly not the Madrigals, or our rich. It is the poor, the broken. Remember your Mama? Remember how when she died, the village didn't care? But when Señor Guzman died, everyone celebrated his life? Or at school, how Maria is always forced to stay away from the other children, not even allowed to try and socialize with people." Papas voice escalated to a roar, although he sank back, putting his hands on his head.

He's right. You think about the trauma you've endured during your life. How you were simply born into the cruelty. How Maria, a mere 6 year old, will never have the life she deserves. How your Abuela was best friends with Señora Alma, but when she dared stand up to her, she was discarded like a piece of trash.

This is injustice. You are going to fight it.

"I accept this mission."

"Then let this be your Rite of Passage."

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