Wish Upon a Star

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The sky twinkled in broken symmetry, little sparks of light in a sea of eternal darkness. Constellations seemed unrecognizable, as Camilo could find the beauty in anything.

Camilo looks to the sleeping girl next to him, who's face is so peaceful in her sleep. The scowl and misery washes away while her eyes are closed, off in some faraway dreamland.

I can find the beauty in anything. But her beauty.. didn't need to be found. Camilo thought, studying the girls face.

Camilo looks back to the stars, attempting to count them. The fire previously built has become dim, only its coals still glowing red. It illuminates his face, along with the girls.

46, 47, 48, 49, 40, 41- wait, was I at 40 before? I- damn. Camilo groaned, unable to fall asleep.

Although he knew he needed to rest, he couldn't. He was too content as he was. The soft grass under him provided a comfortable cushion, with the fire on his right, and you snuggled up on his left, he was perfectly warm, although the air was cold. Sleep would only make the moment end, for she would surely wake up before him, and prepare camp for departure.

Is this love? Camilo wondered, looking back at you, lightly stroking your hair. I never did this with Lilian. Whenever we were close, I would move away.. why? To give her more space. With Y/n, I just want to be closer.

I miss Mama. And Papa. And Antonio. And.. Dolores. I miss her a lot. Why did she have to die? It's my fault, she went out there to protect me. If I'd just listened to her and stayed inside the bunker. Its my fault.

Tears filled Camilo's eyes, racing down his cheek. Before the tears can hit your resting face, he wipes it away.

"Dolores, If you can hear me from up here, please know that I really, really miss you. I miss annoying you all the time, you have my back. I miss pissing you off, I miss shapeshifting into Mariano and flexing, which I know I could do still but it's just not the same. I really, really miss you."

Camilo glances at the girl next to him, and wraps his other arm around her.

"I told Y/n her feelings were valid. Do you think mine are too? If I cry, will I be weak?" Camilo pleads to the sky, the starlight unwavering.

"Well forget it! I don't need help from some stupid light in the sky, anyway."

He turns away, looking at the ground, trying to close his eyes. Something makes them sting. Must be something in the dirt.

"Okay, okay, I didn't mean that. I do need help." Camilo begged the sky, tears welling up again. "I trust this girl with my life, but I'm having my doubts. What if we don't save the Encanto? I never even said goodbye to Antonio. What if the cost of the magic is our lives? What if the cost of the magic is the Encanto we know? I don't know what to do, please do something."

And to those words, Camilo finally drifted off to his sleep.

Unbeknownst to him, the stars had answered his calling.

A faint whisper echoed in the wind.

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