A Battle Between Kin

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He was near, you could feel it. Another burst of wind assaults you, but this time you fight it. Trails of dust follow where he ran, creating forces so strong, they carried the force of 100 men.

A wind spiral began around you, encasing you in the harsh winds and dust. You cough, but ultimately remain breathing well. He doesn't want to hurt you, and you don't want to hurt him.

You breathe in, then use the earth to feel where his feet land. You send a jagged piece of rock out from beneath the stone, which you are rewarded with a hefty, deep voiced bellow. He isn't hurt, just knocked off his feet.

You still haven't glimpsed his face.

As the dust clears, the winds die down, the two of you have your backs turned toward another. The way true battles are supposed to start, turning to face your enemy.

"Hola, sister."

"Hola, Marco."

The two of you were at a stalemate, unsure of how to fight. If you even wanted to fight. He's your brother, the fellow outcast in the family. You were never alone with him, and now, depending on the coin flip that is fate, you may lose him forever. Even the Encanto isn't worth that.

"I missed you when you were gone." Marco says, not turning his head around. He stares toward nothing, his face contorted in blankness, the stare used when you hate, not love.

"I missed you too, hermano." You huff, trying to stay angry. Marcos happy energy is contagious, you can't help feeling gleeful.

"How's everyone doing? Is Luisa okay? Cisco? The brothers?" Marcos head turns slightly to the left, giving you the side eye.

"Cut the crap, Marco. Don't delay this." You snap, spinning around. You whip out your dagger, because you know exactly what he's doing.

"What exactly is this, huh?" Marco turns too, hand on his swords grip, but didn't take it out yet. "You're the one who betrayed our family, the one who left me here to deal with Papa. I didn't choose to be his scapegoat. I didn't chose to be the lonely one. I had expected you'd leave us. Andrés I had no idea. But it hurts worse with you."

"Then come with me, Marco! You know Papas reign isn't just, that righteousness will prevail! We have to fight him, and together, we can. I will not let anyone else end up like Lochland, or.." Your voice trails off, as you remember the Sun of your life, so easily extinguished in the wave of revenge your father had let loose.

"Maria was my sister, too. You're not the only one who'd loved her."

"I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO SHOWED IT!" You scream, your hands flying to your head, clenching your hair so tight it feels as if it will rip from your scalp at any moment. "Nobody else ever, ever, took even a moment to love her, or me. We trained, we worked, we suffered. Just as much as the rest of you. Yet we never had any respect from you. Or love. The minute we turned 18, the second we were allowed to fight, that's when we got the respect. And if we decide, 'hey, maybe I don't want to risk my life everyday' we would be shunned. You didn't enforce it, but the entire family put pressure on each other. At least I wasn't afraid to leave."

"You lie. You've always had Papas acceptance. I never did. The third son of his, nobody special. Even my gift, speed. So overdone. Nothing about me is worth loving, and if I can't be the speedy, order obeying son, who am I? I'm nobody without my gift."

You lower your weapons, and breathe in deeply. Marco, your brother, your first true friend, is deep into an emotional crisis. You just walk over to him, ready to embrace him.

"Don't." Marco holds his hand up, trying to keep you away. You don't understand why, until he rolls up his sleeve.

Black mariposas cover his arms, streaking down and around, like it was in flight. You look up to make eye contact, and realize it's on his neck, too. His left ear has been covered, but the majority of his face is left untouched.

"Oh.. no. Marco, no!" You plead, tears forming in your eyes.

"Yes. I know I'll be dead soon. Which is why I have to prove to father I'm of worth. Unfortunately for you, my little sister, that means stopping you. Whether we fight, or you surrender, is up to you." Marco draws his sword, flips it, and crouches down defensively.

You sigh, putting away your sword. You weren't gonna kill him.

But you wouldn't hesitate to defeat him.

You dash over to him, fire protruding from your fingertips. You make it a yard away from him, before propelling yourself into the air. You shoot fireballs at him, exploding the ground where he stands.

If you could even see him.

Marco just runs, slower than usual, but faster than your eyes can keep up. He launches himself into the air to strike you, fists only, no knives. You continue shooting, but realize this will only cause unnecessary damage.

Marco launches himself again, preparing to strike. You whip around and counter his attack, flames in hand. Marco lands his blow to your rib cage, you land yours to his chest.

You're both blown backwards, knocking onto the ground. You smack your hand onto the pavement, and see stars. You're vision goes blurry for a few seconds before you can recover. Concussion is likely.

Marco seems to be in the same daze as you, although doesn't recover as quickly. You take the opportunity to catch him in a wind current and pin him against your outer fence. You creep closer as he struggles, but it's futile.

You wrap the earth around his arms and legs, holding him tightly to the fence. You drop your arms, tired and covered in soot.

Tears pour from Marcos eyes, but not tears of sadness. He's angry, and you know it. You'd stopped him from gaining any decent human respect from your father. It broke your heart to hurt him this way, but you know it was for the best.

"I love you, Marco. And I'm sorry." You apologize, not sure what else to do. You're afraid to leave him, afraid that he'll hate you forever.

"I know. I know. Go, do what you came to do." Marco whispers, eyes closed, head down.

You nod, even though he can't see. You turn around, and begin climbing up the debris and concrete to your casita.


You whip around, although he's in the same position, still strapped on the fence.

"I love you too." Marco says, lifting his head, opening his eyes. He grins his goofiest grin, urging you to go.

You turn back around, focusing on the candle on your windowsill.

You slowly approach the front door, taking the nob carefully in your hand. You hesitate to open it, weighing in your options. If you flew up it would be quicker, but if you went inside you'd have cover.

You push the door open, but the house is eerily silent. Each step you take makes the floor creak. Broken glass and wine bottles litter the floor, the furniture is broken and wood splinters stick from the legs of chairs.

You creep through the house, terrified that a trap will be going to destroy you at any moment.

The moment never came.

You were able to climb the stairs and find a window adjacent to the outside, more importantly your roof. You grip the windowsill tightly, and hop out. You look around, but nothing disturbs you.

The fighting still rages on below, the enemy side too focused on themselves to notice you. In the golden sunset, you make your way over to the Miracle Candle, it's flames burning strong.

You stand there, mesmerized by its flames. It seems to know you want to destroy it, knows you're going to end its life, extinguish it's flames.

You sigh, closing your eyes.

When you open them, Maria stands in front of you.

Outside the Encanto Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant