The Reset

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A trickling sensation hits you once, twice, and a third time. Water must be leaking from the roof again. Your eyes don't want to open, but you force them. One thing you've always been aware of.. time.

Time is against you, always has been. So you race it to safety, the safety of freedom. The sun is one thing you race, and this morning you've won. You're up before it is.

You remember the last 8 months, like it was a dream that felt so real. You're still wearing the white dress from the spirit realm, but there's no blood on it this time.

The threat of the morning sun arises. You decide to win the race, one last time.

You don't bother to change before you run downstairs, your house messy and chaotic, a clear sign of living with a horde of people, specially teenage boys.

There is literally a pile of dirty underwear for display in the living room.

You kind of want to go back to hell.

The Sun peaks through the windowsill, illuminating the room to a majesty. A family portrait sits on the dining table, freshly taken, left to dry after its enlarged printing,

It's chaotic, but beautiful. The boys are flexing their muscles, making crazy faces, Papas joining in on the fun, while Tio Pablo supports Abuela, as it's hard for her to stand. Tia Sophia and Mama have their arms outstretched, worry plastered all over their faces, as Maria falls from standing on your shoulders. You're on one leg, as Maria pulls you downwards too.

You couldn't imagine it any other way.

"Y/n?" A small, tired voice whispers, followed my a yawn.

You whip around, staring at the small, perfect little girl as she holds her teddy bear, in a loose purple nightgown.

"Maria.." You choke up, tears of happiness welling up in your eyes. You run over to her, falling to your knees embracing the sister you lost so long ago.

"Y/n! I can't breathe!" Maria stresses, pushing you away.

You let go, but still hold her arms.

"Why are you crying? We can keep hugging if that will make you feel better." Maria's face turns to a sad one, hating seeing her sister cry.

"No, no that's okay. Why don't we take a walk?" You suggest, letting go completely, although it breaks your heart to do so.

"I'm hungry."

"I'll make you breakfast, then."

Fifteen minutes later, you and Maria are munching down on Calentado, normal for your sister, but a delicacy you haven't had in a long time.

You remember this life as if it was the life you had lived.

Mirabel was missing, the cracks in the Encanto eerie and threatening. You went to bed terrified, wishing you could sleep in Mama and Papas bed like Maria, but you were too old for that.

Maria slurps down the rest of her food, then takes your dishes to the sink, along with hers.

"Can we go look for Mirabel?" Maria begs, already putting on her shoes.

"So early in the morning?" You don't want to see broken Casita. You don't want to be reminded of the magic this town lost, or see flashes of Maria, buried in the rubble.

You force yourself to put your shoes on anyway, as you did suggest taking a walk.

Maria's already out the door, so you race to catch up with her. She almost slips in a crack, so you pull her up harshly. You didn't mean to, you just don't want to be too careful and lose her again.

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