48. Sweet dreams

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Since it was now the last week before midterm holiday, the usual teacher-parent meetings took place, which meant Peter had to talk to the parents of his 24 students about their childrens' progress. The kids were officially allowed to join, of course, but most of them preferred to stay home to, most likely, exploit the Wi-Fi and rob the storage. It was understandable, Peter also wasn't the most excited for these meetings. Most parents were really kind, though some of them saw their own child as if they were holy, justifying their every mistake and refusing to admit that their child could do anything wrong.

A mindset like that wasn't only difficult to deal with for the school, but would also be harmful for their children, because they would not learn to take responsibility for their own actions.

Still, most of the parents were considerate, so Peter was pretty sure he would be able to survive it.


Today was his second day, just twelve meetings left, each ten minutes long. He had had five of them when Mrs Davis came in. Single mom of Cooper, the quiet kid from class 7E. Just like Cooper, she was mysterious. Hard to approach. Whenever he attempted to address Cooper's position in the class, she would slyly divert the conversation back to his grades. And even though she did not say it directly, she made it obvious that she was blaming the teachers for Cooper's marks, since both of them knew that Cooper had the potential. Compared to the others, he was pretty high. His marks were just a little bit below the requirement for passing. It was a smart move. He would not lose his reputation by letting the class down, but he would be able to get it above the requirement in just one test week, if he did well. Peter still wasn't sure whether it was a strategic move to get the class on his hand or simply a half-hearted compromise to peer pressure.

His mom probably knew, but she still wanted to blame Peter. Not because she actually thought it was his fault. Just to make him feel uncomfortable.

'By the way,' she said before leaving. 'You have two kids, right?'

'Yeah, why?' Peter asked. He couldn't recall telling class 7E about his family.

'Oh, just...' She smiled and then left, leaving Peter confused and feeling a little bit uneasy.


It was 10PM when the last parents left, which were Marie's parents. Marie was a very nice girl from his own class, 9B. She had excellent grades and was always willing to help. Last year, when Leah passed away, it was her who had initiated sending him a letter from the entire class, he had recognized her handwriting in the short message that was surrounded by everyone's names.

Her parents told him that Marie had wished to go with them, but it was truly too late. Peter thought that for the next parent-teacher meetings, he should ask for them to be scheduled earlier.

All the meetings went relatively well. Well, maybe not Robert's parents, but that was only ten minutes. When Peter had explained the failing-match that was going on, they told him he had a great imagination. Peter had to refrain from telling them that the match had been their son's initiative.

Still, those 24 talks had tired him out, so he couldn't wait to go home, to Robin.


A surprise awaited him when he got home. Robin was not waiting for him downstairs. Had he gone to bed already? That was strange.

He switched off the lights downstairs and locked the backdoor before walking upstairs, rather quick because he was slightly worried. He opened the door to Robin's room, but the bed was still perfectly made up. The boy was neither to be found in Peter's room - of course, what was Peter even thinking? But where would he be?

When he opened the door to David's room, he saw the boy. A ray of moonlight which peeked through the curtains fell on his raven hair. He had fallen asleep, his head on his arm which was resting on David's bed, holding David's much smaller hand in his.

Quietly, Peter closed the door and tiptoed over. Both of them were sleeping in peace. David's cute tiny snores and Robin's steady breathing sounded so beautiful together that Peter just sat on the floor, watching the two of them while feeling himself relax. The sight was beautiful. The bond between these two was so pure.

Peter was dozing off when he realized he couldn't let Robin sleep here like this. The position he was in was uncomfortable and it would be bad for his back, so Peter got up and leaned over to kiss David's forehead. 'Sweet dreams,' he whispered. The toddler groaned a bit and rubbed his face with his fist, before smacking his lips and going back to his peaceful sleep.

Robin still didn't wake up, so Peter assumed he was in a deep sleep. He stood behind the boy, carefully slid one arm under his knees, the other one behind his torso, and lifted him. Robin startled and his eyes shut open, but when Peter smiled at him reassuringly, they fell shut again. Peter carried the younger, who was actually not that heavy, to his room and laid him down on the single bed, covering him with blankets. But as he was about to walk away, he felt a small tug at his sleeve, so he turned around. 'What is it?'

Robin did not reply, his eyes were still closed, but he tugged at Peter's sleeve again. So Peter leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Robin's temple as well. 'Sweet dreams, Robin,' he whispered before closing the curtains and heading towards his own room.


'Did you bring me to my room last night?' Robin asked the next morning. 'Because I can't remember.'

'Yes, I did,' Peter said. 'You fell asleep in David's room.'

'Ah, yeah.' Robin rubbed his neck. 'He was having nightmares and cried a lot, so I stayed with him. I guess I must have fallen asleep at some point.'


'Yeah, he doesn't have them often, but he does become a bit uneasy whenever you're not home at the time you're supposed to be.'

'Oh wow,' Peter said. 'I had no idea. I thought he was only like that when you were gone.'

Robin smiled and patted Peter's shoulder. 'He is a sensitive boy, Peter. Just like you.'


Y'all, I have finally decided to watch Bad Buddy and I have been binging it since yesterday. I was literally sobbing during that first kiss. The build-up, the tension, it's soooo good.

This song strikes a certain chord with me. Maybe because I feel like a walking sin in my family.

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