20. Change the contract

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It had been sleepless nights for two weeks now and it was starting to become obvious, so obvious that Robin couldn't ignore it anymore and, after glancing at him with a worried look on his face every now and then and bringing him his third mug of coffee on Friday afternoon, when Peter was so extremely tired that he just sat on the sofa reading a book, he commented: 'You look tired. Are you actually even sleeping these days?'


'Try to take a short nap.' Robin said, taking his book. 'I'll take the kids to the playground.'

'Mhm.' Peter already closed his eyes.


After dinner, Robin stayed and put the kids to bed. Peter was stunned that he didn't even have to say anything for Robin to understand what he needed, even though he should've known that ability of the boy by now.

When Robin came back, he stood behind Peter and started massaging his shoulders. 'Are you okay? You really don't look good.'

'Hmm, just tired.'

'Do you always sleep this badly? Because it's really serious if you do. Also, it wasn't this bad in the first week.'

'Nightmares.' Peter leaned into Robin's touch. These hands were magical.

'Do you have nightmares?'

Peter shook his head. 'I'm scared of them. That's why I can't sleep. I'm afraid I'll get nightmares again.'

'Is it because of that nightmare, when you called me at night?'

Peter nodded. 'It's just, I get so anxious at night... I'm anxious all night, even in the morning, it only disappears when I see you or I'm distracted by daily life, I'm just... tired, scared.'

Robin's hands stopped moving, then he leaned forward, wrapping his arms around Peter's torso and resting his chin on Peter's shoulder. 'And you haven't told this to anyone?'

'I told Anita.'

'You idiot.' Robin scolded him quietly. 'The next time you will see her is in two weeks and it was just your first talk. You didn't talk to someone who could help you right away?'

Peter shook his head. ' I promised I wouldn't burden you anymore. I want to keep my promise.'

'No.' Robin let go and walked around the couch to sit down next to Peter. 'You told me to say "no" more often, so I will. You are not breaking your promise if you tell me what is bothering you. I was worried about you these past days, and I haven't slept much either. I too sleep better when I'm near you. If you had told me, I would have offered to stay here for as long as necessary. Actually, I'm offering right now. No, actually I am definitely sleeping over tonight. You can't stop me.'

'For real?' Peter asked in surprise. 'I had no idea that you benefited from sleeping here as well.'

'I really do.' Robin assured him. 'I can live on two hours, but here I get about six hours usually.'

Peter turned to Robin, an idea forming in his head. 'Can we change the contract and make you a live-in-nanny instead?'


Peter felt a warm hand in his when he woke up, feeling refreshed. He didn't open his eyes, because he didn't want to let go yet, but the light in the room made it safe to assume that it was morning.

Robin was awake too, Peter didn't know since when but he shuffled a bit and his hand stretched before tightening his grip on Peter's again. A few seconds later, he turned over their hands so that Peter's was on top and traced the veins on his the back of his hand very lightly with his free hand.

Peter's heart fluttered at that cute, child-like act. He remembered how he used to do that with his dad when he was younger. When there were people, he would feel shy and climb onto his dad's lap to distract himself like that. Remembering that, his heart felt happy. Even though his dad wasn't the most talkative person, he had always shown Peter his love by small touches or just his presence, and his everlasting smile. And actually, Peter didn't need much more, because he knew that if he needed to, he could ask him anything as well.

Though he preferred to discuss his troubles with his mom, since she was always happy when she got to interfere in his business. Meddling had always been her favourite thing to do. That was probably the reason she married her husband, because no one else had the actual energy to try to get close to him, even though many girls felt attracted to this "mysterious boy", if Peter were to believe his mom.

But parents aside, Robin was still cutely tracing the veins and Peter almost shivered, but he covered it up by moving a bit. Of course, that startled Robin and he stopped moving his hand, checked whether Peter was still asleep and then put his other hand on top of Peter's, shuffling a bit closer.

After a while his hand became heavier, sliding off Peter's slightly. Peter finally opened his eyes and found the boy asleep again, his lips in a small pout, his slender fingers curled around Peter's bigger hand.

Not gonna lie, Peter felt absolutely no regret as to his decision to change the contract. If he could sleep and wake up like this every morning, he would be more than content.


Give me a Robin, I am so tired after my three-year-old-like crying outburst this afternoon.

(This was last Monday, I forgot to publish this part)

This was on my autoplay when I went to search for a song and I was so busy adoring Lee Dongwook's perfection that I just decided to throw it in here. Gotta watch that drama oofsss

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