88. The brightest smile in the universe

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Peter and Robin had to stop and sit down at some point. Robin's emotions were so overwhelming, it was as if he was living it all over again. Peter gave him a Valium and told him to take a break to snap back to reality for a moment, but he still struggled immensely while getting towards the end of the story. Peter never stopped holding his hand and taking notes of changes in his breathing while listening to that horrible story. It made him so incredibly mad, but he tried to stay strong in front of Robin.

When they got near the end, Robin's moment on the bridge, Peter recognized the words from the nightmare Robin once had. "I wish I could just die." Now knowing the story, the words stung even more than back then. Without saying anything, he pulled Robin against his chest, comforting him. 'Ssh,' he whispered, while kissing the top of his head as he hid his own tears. If he were to ever meet that guy, he would kill him.

Robin held on to him like his life depended on it and for some reason, despite the pain that engulfed them both right now, Peter felt a spark of hope. Robin had finally felt confident enough to tell Peter the whole story and did not push him away. That, and him saying out loud that he had feelings for Peter for the first time. Peter felt as if something had switched within him during this date. As if Robin had started to really put his trust in Peter. He was laying all his cards on the table, telling Peter: "I've been hurt and I've been wounded, but I think I'm getting ready to give my heart to someone again and that someone is you."

Peter was ready to take care of Robin's heart with all of his ability.

'Even though he never tried to contact me after that, as far as I know,' Robin continued after a while, 'I knew I just couldn't risk walking into him again. I knew it would destroy me if I had to see him. So when I saw that ad online, of a man in Bendigo looking for a nanny, I decided to go for it. I left Melbourne and my uncle and tried to start a new life, but I guess the scars left on me were permanent.Though I do not feel any desire to go back to that relationship anymore, before today I have never even been able to muster up the courage to tell anyone the full story. I swore to myself that I would never fall in love again, and if I did, I would never say it out loud. I said I would never give my heart to someone ever again. This also meant giving up on my lifelong dream of building a family, so to compensate for that, I decided to become a nanny instead. So yeah, that's kind of what happened.'

'God...' Peter said quietly. 'I am so sorry. I can't imagine how hard it must have been to be betrayed like that. You had already been hurt so much and he knew that, but he still added more trauma to it. You've been through so much.'

Robin nodded, his lip quivering before he bit it. 'But I'm so glad I met you, Peter,' he said, his voice emotional. 'You are really redefining my idea of love. I'm sorry that I seem to think you are not trustworthy. It has nothing to do with you, you know. I think you're really trustworthy, actually, my heart just has a hard time believing it. So I'm really sorry if that hurts you in any way.'

'No, look at me.' Peter cupped his face and made eye contact with Robin. 'I know. And it's okay. I know you just need a little time, and I've got time. Besides, you telling me this, it shows how much you already trust me. And countless times before, you've shown your trust in me. If you didn't trust me at all, why would you even go on these dates with me. I know you are still healing, but you're making a lot of progress and you deserve credit for that. I am so proud of you, Robin. I'm so grateful that you entrusted me with your story and I will keep doing everything in my power to earn your trust, over and over again.'

'Peter...' Robin whispered.

Peter smiled and leaned over to press a gentle kiss on Robin's forehead. 'You deserve all the good things in this world.'

'I've already got it,' said Robin. 'The best thing in the world.'

His eyes were soft as he gazed into Peter's eyes. Peter's heart felt as though it could leap out of his chest any time. He just automatically leaned in and kissed Robin. It was only a short kiss, but there were so many emotions in that one second. Robin didn't mind, he had his hand on Peter's cheek, stroking it with his thumb. Peter didn't feel the cold air around them anymore, every inch of him was filled with warmth and he couldn't stop smiling at the beautiful, radiant, strong man in front of him. His smile was mirrored by the one he had fallen in love with on the day they met, the brightest smile in the universe.

Peter really didn't want to say goodbye that night. He kept trying to procrastinate by bringing up new topics, until Robin just opened the car door and got out. 'Hey, don't go!' Peter said. 'I don't want this date to be over.'

'It's late,' Robin said. 'You have a babysitter waiting for you.'

'Oh please, Tabby? She's probably just watching a movie or something. Besides, she's sleeping over, so we practically have the entire night.'

'Ha, you wish,' Robin said. 'No, Anita was clear about your sleep schedule. Go home. I'll see you on Monday.'

'Aw no, that's still two full nights away.' Peter pouted.

'Yep, sucks,' Robin said. 'But you'll survive.'

'Okay,' Peter said reluctantly. 'Good night, then.'

'Yeah, you too.' Robin seemed to hesitate for a second. 'Change your mind?' Peter asked.

'No,' Robin said quickly, before leaning over and kissing Peter on the lips again, quickly. 'Okay, bye!' he then said, dashing away. Peter watched him run from his rearview mirror, touching his lips and catching a glimpse of his ruby-coloured reflection. 'D*mn,' he whispered to himself. 'I don't think I'll ever get used to this feeling.'


I almost forgot how cute these two are.

Anygays, I completely forgot to mention the fact that I've also been to Paris this year. That was amazing. I was on my own for the first three days and the last two, my mom came with my two youngest brothers (who are 8 and 14 now) and it was amazing. I'm really in my traveling era rn haha.

I am obsessed with this song right now, it's everything and I really hope I can see a lipsync to this song on RPDR some day. The layersssss

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