9|| The Broken Trust

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"The film is about to start

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"The film is about to start."


"Shriya, why- what happened? Concern was dripping from Ruhi's voice.

Shriya pointed at Pixie Cafe with a tremulous finger.

"There, what?" Ruhi was confused. What had happened to her?

"Drishti..." The words dropped from Shriya's quivering lips like venom.

"Drishti didn't show up on time for..... coffee?" asked Ruhi, skeptically.

"No. She- she s-stood me up to-to go o- on a date with Vi- Vivaan. We- we pla- planed t-to watch Death on t-the Nil- Nile togeth- together."

"Oh my..." Ruhi quickly pulled Shriya's quivering figure in her and embraced her, tightly.

"I am so sorry. You don't deserve it," soothed Ruhi.

It took Shriya some time to collect herself after her crying subsided.

"Do you... do you think anyone can come now?" She asked Ruhi, skeptically. "I still have one ticket. I don't want it to waste."

"No, who-" Ruhi stopped mid-sentence. Aditya. He could come. Obviously, he could. "If you don't mind, I can ask my brother."

"Of course, I don't mind. Go on. Call him. Hurry!"

Ruhi fumbled with her phone for a few moments before drawing the pattern and unlocking her phone. She quickly dialed his number.

"Hey, Avi. You free now?" She asked as soon as her brother accepted her call.

"Yeah. Why?" He asked, doubtful.

"Can you hurry to Samrat Theatre now? I have got a ticket for you. You can stop nagging and watch Death on the Nile with me."

"Of course, I am coming. But how on earth did you manage to get a tick--"

She cut him off mid-sentence, too impatient to answer him. "Just come. Now. Hurry." With that, she disconnected the call.

"He's on his way." She informed Shriya, who nodded at her.

Ruhi's phone vibrated in her hand; someone has called her. She accepted the call without even looking at the caller id.

"WHERE THE HELL ON EARTH ARE YOU!" Suhana's voice boomed out of her phone. Ruhi nearly threw away her phone, but resisted the urge and instead held it a few centimeters away from her ear. "IT DOESN'T TAKE THIS LONG TO REACH SAMRAT THEATRE FROM YOUR HOUSE! DON'T TELL ME YOU STOOP ME UP SERIOUSLY. BECAUSE IF YOU DID SO, I AM GONNA HUNT YOU DOWN AND TEAR YOU APART BEFORE YOU CAN SAY 'DEATH ON THE NILE'!"

"For heaven's sake Suhana, stop damaging my poor ear," Ruhi said, once Suhana's outburst stopped. "And I am here."

Shriya snickered seeing them banter over the phone.

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