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"Amor!" He called out once you pulled away, being mindful of the volume of his voice as to not wake up the child blissfully sleeping on your lap.

"¿Sí?" You let go of his cheeks, your hands going back to their place on your little brothers head of hair, a cheeky smile plastered on your face.

"¡¿Qué fue eso?!" He grabbed onto your shoulder, turning you slightly to make you face him once more.

You batted your lashes at him innocently, you feighed a hum of confusion. "What was what?" You questioned him, lips attempting to twitch up into a teasing smile.

If Camilo didn't feel so betrayed right now, he would've melted right on the spot at the cute expression you're making.

But alas a man on a mission is a man on a mission and right now his current mission is to find a reason on why you keep teasing him with such things, you know things like leading him on in to thinking you were about to smooch him on the lips, something of which he very much wishes for you to do already.

All your teasing isn't good for his heart, you know?

And it didn't help that you always look so kissable and cute when admiring him, and that simple adoration that you always seem to have with him that always resulted in him screaming into his pillow with his legs kicking and wiggling in their place, something that he personally have to apologize to his hermana for.

"You know! ¡esto!" He gestured wildly to the corner of his lips, pointing directly at it as if to make sure you get what he was trying to say.

"What do you mean? I just gave you a kiss, didn't I?" You tilted your head at him, continueing with your teasing facade.

"¡Sí!, but I wanted it here!" He gave you a certain look whilst tapping at his awaiting lips.

Stifling a laugh you turned away from him, a hand covering your mouth.

Squinting his eyes at you, he perked up when an idea suddenly came to mind.

"Ooooh, so it's like that, huh?" He let out a very Camilo-like smirk.

Intruiged, you faced him again only for him to plop down onto the ground on his back, facing the clouds with false sorrow on his face.

Letting out an amused smile, you continued to watch him be his usual dramatic self.

Reaching his hand up towards the sunny sky, he curled them into his palm as if something that was within his grasp had suddenly dissapeared.

"Oh, Jesús! Whatever shall I do?" He called out in question, a shift on his eyebrows that serves to only amplify his supposed 'sadness'.

"Mi Hermosa had once again denied me of the taste of her sweet, sweet kisses!" Camilo brought his other hand that was simply laying on his stomach before, onto his lips, brushing them with his fingers longingly.

Flushing slightly at the words he let out, you occupied your hands with playing with your brothers hair again.

Speaking of which, that very same hermano had slowly started to shift awake, with his face scrunching up every now and then.


Lets go back to Camilo.

"I don't how much longer I can go on without them!" He sat up abruptly making you jump in surprise, clutching his chest as if it was hurting him, a pained look plasterd across his handsome face.

Grabbing onto your hand, he lifted them to his lips, placing a sweet kiss on your knuckles, his once pained expression turned into a pleading one. "So just give me a kiss, Bonita, just one." He lifted a single finger.

Suddenly feeling shy, you tried to turn your head away from him to avoid his gaze from boring into your own.

Shuffling closer to you, Camilo gently placed his fingers underneath your chin to turn your face towards his.

Closing the the distance between you, he leaned his forehead against yours, dark green eyes staring intensely into (e/c) ones.

Gulping, you saw his eyes glance down at your lips before they went back to yours.

Your lips quivered nervously when you felt his thumb brush across them, swiping them on your lower lip.

"May I?" He asked gently, eyes half lidded.

You nodded, lashes fluttering before they closed, waiting for the familar lips to clash against with yours, not noticing the movement of the boy on your lap from waking up.

Just when Camilo was about to close in the gap between your lips, a tiny hand had darted upwards to place them in between, making Camilo stop in his tracks to blink open his eyes in confusion when he felt the soft knuckles of a four year old instead of the familiar lips of his Amor.

Jerking away from each other, you both stared down at the child who had sat up in his place, rubbing at his eyes tiredly.

He groggily stared hard at Camilo who now had a nervous smile, squinting his eyes, he brought a tiny hamd to point an accusatory finger at the male next to you.

"Stop trying to seduce Mi Hermana!" He sniffled, nose scrunching up and brows furrowing in clear distaste.

You spluttered in surprise at the use of his words, you stare at him wide eyed. "Wha-- Where did you learn that word?!" You panicked slightly, hoping to whatever Gods out there that your little brothers innocence is still intact.

He shuffled in his place, crawling onto your lap with his tiny arms looping around your waist possesively, one of his cheeks pressed against your colarbone whilst glaring up at the shapeshifter Madrigal.

"I heard Señor Diaz say it to Señorita Emillias novio yesterday! Why?" He excitedly said once he turned his attention to you. It seems as though your little brother was only an angel when it comes to his sweet Hermana and a little rascal towards everyome else, Camilo breifly thought in amusement before his attention went back to the child who was nuzzling into you affectionately, a dopey smile present across his face.

You and Camilo both sigh at the same time bacause of course it had to be Señor Diaz, the man was notoriously known for being a little too vulgar when children were around.

Giving him a furrowed look, you scolded the child gently.

Letting out a pout, he clung to your blouse tightly. "Ok..."

Turning back to Camilo, you gave him an apologetic smile which he waves it off with a wide smile of his own.

Heaving out a deep sigh, you took your little brothers hand away from your waist and placed them onto your neck, adjusting your hold on him and placing one of your forearms underneath his bum.

"Vamos Nico, why don't we go home for lunch, hm?" You asked him, attempting to stand up with the help of Camilo whos hand was placed on your waist to help you balance yourself better.

Feeling the motion of a nod and the tightening of his arms on your neck, you let out a fond smile, heading back to the open area of the town, you bid Camilo a farwell, promising to see him later.

You gave him a final wave as he went through the bustling folks of Encanto.

AWESTRUCK || Camilo Madrigal X Fem! Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now