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NOTES: Why is it so goddamn hard to write conversations like damn, this one literally took half my braincells to complete.

Buckle up people, this chapters a long one. 1.7K to be exact if you were wondering



Camilo Madrigal doesn't get annoyed very easily.

It takes a lot to even get an emotion thats remotely close to something negative out of him.

Though somewhere along the past two years, Lorenzo Sanchez seems to have made it his personal mission to annoy him at every opportunity and chance he gets.

Camilo isn't exactly sure why but for some reason the older boy had always managed to get under his skin so easily, breaking down the walls he put up and replacing it with something ugly.

What he is sure about is that it involves you, beautiful, gorgeous you, his one and only Mi Amor, the one that never fails to put a smile on his face.

Something about the looks and longing gazes that Lorenzo always sends your way makes him want to hurl his stomach out, because he knows it's the same face that he makes when he looks at you.

Maybe its jealousy, maybe it's just the green eyed monster within him acting up he had reasoned to himself but ever since he had started getting closer to you two years ago which also happens to be the same years the other boy had started to show him an obvious displeasure of the shapeshifters person tells him something entirely different.

It's something else, he's sure of it, completely and utterly sure.

He just doesn't know what it is yet and it leaves an unsettling feeling on the pit of his stomach.

But for now though, he puts on a smile, the oh so familiar and bright smile of Camilo Madrigal, who's talents in the performing arts always sends the people of Encanto in awe.

Letting out a soft laugh, Camilo returned a wave that Juancho, one of the children that was surrounding you was giving him, an enthusiastic grin platered on his face as he beckoned him to sit at an unoccupied space next to him, and as usual a cup of coffee was on his other hand.

Camilo wondered how the child always had a cup of his favourite drink ready in hand.

Fastening his pace, he saw you give a quick glance at him before returning your attention to the story you were telling, a small twitch at the corner of your mouth tells Camilo that you were trying to supress a smile to overtake your features.

He had to stop himself from letting out a giddy smile at the thought that he was the reason for such an act.

Seating himself down, he immediately bent down to Juanchos line of sight, arms crossing over his chest. "So what are we listening to this time, Hombrecito?" He quietly whispered as to not disturb your storytelling.

Eyes brightening with imaginary stars, the five year old straightened up in his seat before whispering the current events that was taking place, Camilo gasping quietly in feighed shock before nodding along to Jaunchos short summary, his curls bouncing around with the movement.

"So you're telling me that the pretty lady named Cinderella got locked up?" He asked curiously, his eyebrows furrowed as he turned to Juancho.

"Crazy, right?!" Jauncho whisper-shouted, his eyes widening as he stared up at the older boy.

"But why?"

"Because her madastra malvada doesn't want her to marry the Prince!" He said matter of factly, chest puffing up as if he was proud of himself for understanding the story so far.

AWESTRUCK || Camilo Madrigal X Fem! Reader (DISCONTINUED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora