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NOTES: Camilo is sad, and then he turns into mush when reader played with his hair



Camilo had never once in his entire fiftteen years of life expected to have been hated so much by a mere eight year old girl, someone who he should be an expert on dealing with but here he is:

"G-get away from me! Get away! I hate you!

Kneeling and frozen in shock as he stared with wide eyes at the teary-eyed Gabriela in front of him, harshly cradling her knees to her chest in an attempt to make herself smaller in his presence.

He retracted his outstreatched hands that had attempted to help her up after falling down roughly on the tiled floor of their house.

He let in a deep breath as he stared at how Gabriela had scooted away from him with a glare on her chubby face, tears streaming down her cheeks thats not only caused by him but his entire Familia.

Camilo knew that something was going on with the little girl but had never actually figured it out until the waterworks had started flowing for the sole reason that he was trying to help her.

A word she now so desperately despises to associate with him, a Madrigal, someone from the very same Familia that had not been able to save her precious Papi, the one whos warm hands that she'll never be able to hold again.

His lips quivered slightly at the sight of Gabriela attempting to hurriedly get away from him, as if not doing so would somehow make things even worse.

Gabriela stood up shakily, a glare still fixated on her face before running away from him and towards her room, slamming her door loudly in the process.

Camilo stared at the spot where the younger was with defeat, standing up from his kneeling position just in time for you to come stumbling into the hallway, a wide eyed Emillio right behind you obviously caught off gaurd.

He turned to you wiping your hand hurriedly on the clothe you had before discarding it in one of the pockets of the apron you currently wore.

He could only guess that the loud noise that practicaly shook the house had concerned you. Camilo could only quietly scoffed to himself because who wouldn't be worried.

"Camilo?" You called out to him, a hand reaching out to gently brush along his freckled cheeks. "Are you ok?"

"... Yeah." He awnsered back, his voice cracking slightly making him realise just how close he is to tears, he blinked rapidly to get rid of the pools of tears gathering on his lashes.

The look in your eyes tells him that you didn't believe his reassurence, your mouth opened to protest before getting cut off by the loud crying of a baby.

You looked hesistant for a moment. "Cami--"

"I'll take care of him. You go comfort Gabriela for me." Camilo cut you off before you can finish what you were about to say because he was sure that if he let you talk now he might just end up letting the waterworks burst out.

He brushed past you ignoring the look of hurt that flashed through your (e/c) eyes, giving Emillio a pat on the head before quietly heading to Señora Santos' bedroom where the four month old baby had previously been sleeping peacefully.

The defeated sigh you let out did not go unnoticed by him, he faltered in his step tempted to turn back towards you but the babys cries prevented him from doing so.

AWESTRUCK || Camilo Madrigal X Fem! Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now