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Sipping into your afternoon coffee, you let out a content sigh at the warmth that settled on your stomach.

Placing the cup back down on your desk, you took your pencil once more, repeatedly tapping it on a music sheet which was filled with a bunch of musical symbols and notes, writings on the bottom of each row.

Humming the tune of your composition, you erased a lyric part that you weren't satisfied with, going over a few other variations of words that could possibly fit in better.

A sudden knock on your door made you pause your ministrations, eyes widening and hands scrambling to collect the scattered papers on your desk and putting them all on your drawers, not bothering to even keep them organize.

The knock came again, a bit more loud this time making you call out to the person outside your door. "¡Espera, yo ya voy!" Skipping over to your door, you opened it slightly, peeking outside once before opening it fully for the person to come in.

"Why are back so early, Matt?" You asked him curiously, going back over to your seat by the desk, a book you had managed to pull out resting wide open in its place. "I thought you guys were still practising."

You briefly wondered if your Abuelo had been feeling a bit nicer to let them out early.

Seating yourself on your seat, you looked back up at your older primo who had made himself comfortable on your bed, plopping down face first on your mattress and letting out a muffled groan.

You furrowed your brows downwards when he didn't answer your question, tugging hard on your blanket that he was laying on making him lift his face from their place to give you a pout in return.

Giving out a frustrated sigh, he turned on his back, effectively messing your already messed up bed even more before staring at your ceiling with a frown.

"Abuelo sent me here..." He finally said, the mere mention of the title made you wince silently, not noticing the side glance you recieved.

Turning on your seat, you rolled an eraser shaving between the desk and your finger. "What does he want this time?" You asked, flicking the stray shavings away.

"He wants you to go to the market." Mateo said, staring at your back turned to him.

"What exactly am I suppose to buy?"

"Ingredients for Ajiaco." He clarified, his legs swinging on the edge of your bed.

You hummed in acknowledgement, grabbing onto your cup of coffee, the quiet sip you made being the only sound heard through the silence of your room.

Mateo glance at his fingers, the tips of his fingertips throbbing in pain. "... My fingers hurt." He mentioned, wincing when he pinched them a bit too hard.

"Where's your pick?" You raised a single brow in question, standing up to go to your closet.

"I lost it." He heard you snort underneath your breath though he chose to ignore it and instead opted to watch you crouch down to lift a bunch of your folded clothes, reaching in and clutching something small in your hand.

Sitting up, hazel eyes looked onto your clutch hands curiously, lifting up his hand when you offered it to him.

Dropping it onto his palm, he blinked in shock at the small black pick resting on his hand.

Snapping his head in your direction, he looked at you with a surpirsed look with his eyes blown wide. "Why do you have this?!"

Avoiding his gaze, you turned back to your closet to get your bag and swinging it over your shoulder, carefully pulling out the hairs that got stuck in between your shoulders and the strap. "I found it..."

He sigh heavily, a hand coming up to mess up his black locks. "You know you're not allowed to have any kind of things related to music with you, not even something small like this! So wh--!" He cut himself off once he saw you nervously wringing your fingers together from his sudden change of tone.

"Look-- I'm sorry for raising my voice but I'm just worried, you know how Abuelo is whenever it comes to you." He placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.

You nodded your head in understanding, lips pursing as you thought about your split second decision of revealing him the pick that you've kept hidden for years though you quickly discarded it.

Giving you smile, he pulled you in for a quick side hug. "Now then, how's about we go now, Princesa?" He asked, not even letting you answer before pulling away to lead you through your door.

Blinking rapidly, you turned your head towards him, a questioning look plastered on your face.

Acsending down the stairs, he gave you a look in return. "What?"

"You seriously aren't letting me go to the market without money, are you?" You watched in amusement as he freezes before patting at his pockets hurriedly.

Giving you an embaressed glance, he quickly pushed you forward making you stumble. "Just go look around a bit and I'll--" He avoided your gaze.

"--just go get some!" You let out a soft laugh as he quickly ran out the door. A habit you had gotten used to was Mateo running away and out of situations if he ever felt the slightest bit embarresed for either himself or someone else.


Sitting on a bench near the market, you waited patiently for your Primo to come back with the needed money in hand.

Drumming your fingers on your lap, you sent nods of acknowledgement to the people who sent you bright smiles, unaware of the pair of eyes that had drifted to you the moment you sat down, an unsettling intensity within them.

Every once in a while, a child or two would come up to you with their eager hands tugging on your skirt for a story before getting dragged away by their apologetic parents.

With nothing else to do you stared out into space, you jumped in your seat when a warm hand had settled itself on your shoulder.

Whipping your head around, you give a relieved sigh when it was just your older brother, though relief was quickly replaced by confusion when you didn't see Mateo with him.

Staring up at him curiously, you tilted your head to the side slightly. "Where's Matt?"

Giving you a black wallet, he let out a sigh. "Abuelo made him stay back because he took too long, sent me out here instead."

"Oh..." You pursed your lips guiltily, knowing that you've kept him longer than you should have. "Lo Siento."

Giving you a tired smile, he brought a hand up to ruffle your hair with, ignoring the small whine you let out at having your hair messed up. "Don't be, it's just Abuelo being Abuelo, it's not your fault."

Seating himself next to you, he leaned back on the bench before letting his head hang back, his dark brown locks swaying at the motion. "And plus it's for Antonios ceremony so he--" He cut himself off with a yawn. "--s being more strict then usual."

Noticing the bags underneath his eyes, you give a sigh. "Shouldn't you go back then? He's going to get mad again."

Letting out a soft laugh, he brought up a hand and waved it around lazily. "Then let him, the ceremony's not even a month from now and he's already driving us crazy."

"What's an afternoon of me skipping gonna do?" He gave you grin, sitting up in his place. "Asi es, ¡Nada! that's cause I'm just too good at what I do!" He boasted cockily, a wide smile now present on his face.

Letting out a scoff, you shoved him slightly making him laugh louder. "We really need to do something about that arrogance of yours, Lu." You said platfully with furrowed brows.

"Whatever." Luis huffed out. "Anyways lets go buy some food! 'M starving" He stood up abruptly, grabbing onto your arm before dragging you to the market.

"Ay!" Your panicked call was only laughed at in reponse as you stumbled to match your pace with his.

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