10: Tell Me Where Your Heart Is

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Was it distress he was feeling?

Maybe it was fear or anxiety.

L scoffed at the thought. A brilliant man, a man of justice doesn't feel these things. He was too superior.

So why was he?

He had this overwhelming feeling of being betrayed by the ghost.

A criminal.

But maybe part of him didn't see her a criminal, maybe he saw her as a person

A girl.

Whilst looking out the window, looking down at the people bustling up and down the street, he thought that any of these idiots couldn't have gotten his attention.

Yet Y/n did.

Detective Lawliet steadied his breathing as he waited on a phone call.

A phone call that would tell him if he'd been tricked or not. If he'd now be seen as a fool in the eyes of the public.

A fool who trusted the words of a thief.

He then looked at the full moon. He wondered if she was looking at it too.

The awaited phone call from the chief of the US police yanked him from the depths of his mind.

L took the phone out of the back pocket of his old baggy jeans and answered.


"Detective L Lawliet." The chief greeted, "You won't believe what I'm seeing right now."

His heart sank a bit. His harsh and heavy tone of voice suggested towards a bad situation, but L also knew that was how he spoke naturally.

"What are you seeing?"

There was silence and rustling, the shouts of men were inaudible in the background and there was even a beeping of a truck, signaling that the vehicle was reversing

The detective squinted his dark eyes at the wall, waiting for his response.

"I'm looking at seven point four million dollars, L."

The male jerked his head back a bit and his hand were tucked into his pockets as he now furrowed his brows

"Pardon?" There was a slight question prominent in the monotone of the man

"The coordinates led to a couple warehouses, in it is 7.9 million dollars." Chief explained, "I can't believe it."

"You're actually seeing the money?" The ravenette asked for clarification.

"Yes. We'll send visual confirmation."

With that, the call cut.

She gave the money...back?

L sighed and rubbed his temple. He headed to the kitchen to pour himself another cup of coffee.

One thing that didn't really leave his mind was the fact that Y/n was genuine.

He trusted her and for once, he didn't regret it.

One question he had, however.

"How the hell did she cash out all that money?"

When he was in his thoughts, he didn't even realize he finished his coffee when he took a next sip, awaiting the liquid that never came.

He looked into the mug and grunted as he placed it down on the counter.

Oh, how sometimes he hated being alone.

Lawliet's life has always been painted in black and white.

His routine, his job, his look, his personality was just all so boring. It was the same thing over and over.

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