16: And To Our Greatest Adventure Yet...Opening Up To Others

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Ah, court day.

The day she would hear the judge tell her that she would be painfully spend the rest of her life in a lonely and cold cell.

Y/n's hands were her cuffed as she was presented before a judge with her attorney by her side.

The girl exhaled jaggedly as she awaited the words to escape the higher up before her.

"Y/n L/n." The judge called.

Immediately the girl in mention and her attorney stood. Her heart raced and she played with her fingers nervously, her palms were clammy, but she ignored it nevertheless.

"You are granted five years of aiding in the Breaking and Entering unit with and under custody of detective L Lawliet."

The e/c eyes of Y/n widen as she whipped around and looked at the crouched male among the jury as the judge continued.

"Detective L Lawliet altered your sentence so you will now be working with him. Anything further?"

The judge looked to L who shook his head making the judge hum in response who immediately dismissed the trial.

As Y/n was escorted out of the room, L looked as she was and smiled lightly.

He grunted as he got up and pulled on the hem of his white sweater it order to pull down the fabric.

When he walked out of the room far after everyone else had, he was immediately tackled.

Y/n had just intended on hugging him, but she couldn't help herself.

As the two was now on the floor, Y/n hugged L though the commotion caused concern to nearby officers and attorneys in which L assured them it was fine.

L held the girl back as they didn't move from their position.

It seemed like forever to passersby when Y/n pried herself off a little and kissed his cheek.

"Really got a soft spot for me, don't ya?" Y/n grinned which made the male's heart flutter.

"You have no idea." The black-haired male mumbled which caused her to become flustered at his words

As the two got up from the ground, he looked to the officer that had been patrolling Y/n, "Why are there cuffs on her still?" He asked with a bit of anger behind the question.

The officer fumbled with the keys before finding the right one to unlock the h/c haired girl's handcuffs.

With a groan, Y/n rubbed her wrists that were a bit red and beginning to swell because of how tight it was.

She winced as the detective gently held her hands to view her wrists, his dark eyes inspecting the forming bruises

He basically scowled at the officer who had put the cuffs on in the first place for putting them on way too tight.

"Come on." L instructed the female who followed behind him as he started to walk out of the courthouse. There were practically a swarm of reporters and cameras facing her direction.

Worst was the flash photography, blinding her with each photo they took.

It was very crowded and many push passed others to get closer. Y/n wrapped her arms around the detective's toned arm as he made his way through the crowd.

Y/n would have definitely cooed at L's flustered state from her grabbing his arm if she had seen.

As they made their way to a fancy black BMW like if it was a car directly from a spy movie, a man stood beside the back door of the car.

He was quite old, white hair completely overtaking with no trace of his previous hair colour, a simple thin rimmed glasses and a thick white moustache over his lip. His eyes were barely seen as it was naturally small and squinted.

This man was the most precious old man she'd ever seen in her life.

"Greetings Ms. Y/n." The old man greeted, "I am Watari. I will be at your services whenever you need me."

Y/n scrambled towards the old man and hugged him tightly, her arms over his, trapping him completely.

When she pulled away, she grinned, "I like you already, Watari."

As if her eyes were playing tricks on her, she could have sworn Watari had a faint smile for a second.

He opened the door for the pair and they both hopped in.

As they got in, Watari and Y/n mostly spoke; Y/n carrying most of the conversation whilst Watari had no problem in answering them.

Some of the questions averted to L and how he was like as a kid, but L seemed to be drifting off in his thoughts; not hearing a word the two said.

Watari pulled up in front of a hotel, then hopping out to open the back door for Y/n and L.

"Thank you, Watari." Y/n said.

"No problem, Ms. Y/n. Now if you would excuse me, I have some errands to run." With that, he hopped back in the car and drove off, leaving both her and L on the sidewalk

L gestured for her to follow her once more as they made their way to floor number fifty-seven, door two-nine-one.

As they entered the room, it was quite spacious and quite simple

L had his equipment in one corner of the room and the rest of the room seemed untouched.

"That is your room." L pointed to a door at the back of the living room, "My room is beside yours so please, if you need anything; don't hesitate to let me know."

Y/n breathless laughed, "For one, I'm going to need clothes."

"No need. Mr. Matcher collected your stuff and also aided in getting your room in order."

"Kenji?" Y/n asked dumbfoundedly, she hadn't seen the male in so long. Who knows what he thought of her now since she had been arrested.

"Yes. We have agreed upon 2 visits per week since you cannot leave the vicinity without me." He stated as he trudged to his work corner with hands in his pockets.

She was excited at the possibility of seeing Kenjii again but at the same time she was terrified of what he had to say.

When Y/n looked in her room, she smiled. It was cozy and had all her stuff that was in her old apartment. The room was like if she had put it together herself.

She melted at the thought of L going out of his way to make to ensure her comfort.

Though a part of her thought that he was obligated to do so, not because he wanted.

Y/n hadn't seen proper sleep in weeks so when she saw her bed, she landed face first into it and groaned at the comfort.

It didn't take her long to knock out cold. After an hour or 2, the detective didn't hear not even a sound from Y/n so upon checking up on her; he saw why.

A ghost of a smile played on his lips as he took the blanket that was folded neatly near her feet and covered her with it.

It was nearing into the early night, making it quite chilly.

Y/n woke up after a couple hours, sleepy eyes averting to the digital clock on her nightstand that read '3:49 AM'.

The female got up with the blanket wrapped around herself as she shivered slightly.

Her feet made contact with the cold wooden floorboards that was smooth to the touch, and it didn't creak at all.

Once she left the room, she noticed the detective laying on the couch fast asleep with papers on his stomach and a couple papers in his hands.

Y/n laughed to herself and shook her head, removing all the paper from on him and in his hands.

She took the blanket off herself, draping it over the sleeping man. He looked so peaceful and rather cute whilst doing so.

She neatly packed all the papers and turned his computer off before going back into her room and falling asleep.

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