Chapter 17: Sponsoring Event

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Here comes the next update, enjoy reading on.


there I am again. I wish you a lot of fun with this chapter. I hope you like it.


Emma sat in the waiting area and almost went crazy, no one told her anything.

"What happened" the others stormed in.

"His heart suddenly stopped. But she was able to get him back. However, he is operated on again. He had an internal bleeding. Chris then collapsed. And now no one says anything again," she said.

Hondo left the waiting area, hoping that Emelie, his ex-girlfriend, was on duty.

"Emelie" he was lucky, she sat at the counter.

"Hondo, what can I do for you," she smiled at him.

" 2 of my colleagues, please I need to know what's going on?"

"I'm smart, okay" she knew him very well. The two had been together for almost 3 years and she knew his team was sacred to him.

"Thank you," he nodded and went back. It takes about 15 minutes for her to get in.

" Your colleague is awake. She would be happy about your visit and your colleague is just out of the operating room. He is stable at the moment"

Thank you Emelie"

" gladly Hondo" then she left the waiting area.

"new flame" asked Luca.

"No, ex-girlfriend." He said just before they made their way to Chris. All the excitement, lack of sleep and no fluid had made her body weak.

"Is he still alive" was the first question she asked. Emma sat down with her at the bedside.

" Yes, it is stable. And you should rest. He will need you when he comes back to himself," she smiled at her friend. She just nodded tiredly and closed her eyes. Hondo went over to her, as did Deacon. Both gave her a kiss on the forehead before everyone left the room.

"When will he wake up? Asked Hondo just turned to you.

" Before tomorrow morning, he will certainly not wake up. However, the values look good at the moment.

"Thank you Dr. Smith," they thanked.

"Let's go home. We will be ready tomorrow," Hondo told the team. They nodded and everyone drove to their home. Emma immediately went to bed and fell asleep.

She spent the next few days at work and in the hospital. Today, she was sitting at Street's bedside again when his hand suddenly moved.

"Street" she looked at his body and noticed that he was pressing her hand again. Then he opened his eyes. She immediately pressed the red button. It didn't take a minute for someone to arrive. The breathing apparatus was disposed of.

"Welcome back," the doctor said.

"Do they know their name"

Jim Street" he scabies quietly.

He added "Chris", which made Emma laugh.

"I'll get her quickly" then she was gone.

10 minutes later she was sitting by his bedside again, but he had fallen asleep again, but she was just happy that he had woken up again. Emma had sat a little further away. Chris had asked that she stay with her because she was afraid.

"Hey" she was suddenly ripped out of her thoughts. Immediately her head shot up and finally she could look into his eyes again.

"Street" she smiled at him. Their feelings were just upside down.

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