Chapter 32: back in L.A

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there I am again. Have fun. I'm curious what you have to say about it.


They had landed back in L.A. and Deacon drove Emma home. He stopped in front of the apartment and looked over at her.
"Do you still have something planned today?" he asked her.
" No, not really"
" Would you like to go to the beach with me and the children in about 2 hours. I promised it to the children. They would certainly be happy if you came along," he smiled at her.
"very gladly" she accepted.
" Then we'll see you at my home in 2 hours and then go there together?"
" Yes, we do... Thank you for coming along... see you later" she was about to get out when he pulled her back.
"Where so fast" he grinned and his lips were already on hers. She immediately returned the kiss. Only when both of them could no longer breathe did they detach from each other.
" Emma, I meant everything seriously. I want to see where this leads us," he whispered softly, leaning his forehead against hers.
" me too, but let's go now. Your children are waiting" she gave him a little kiss and then left the car.
Arriving at your apartment, her grin only widened. Clothes were lying all over the floor, she could already guess what was going on. With her eyes half closed, she ran into the living room, but as it looked, both had made it to Chris' room.

Laughing, she went to her room and unpacked so that she could do a laundry. In the bathroom, she met Chris.
"Hey, how was it?" she asked and looked at her friend.
"Hard but beautiful," Emma confessed. She told her everything that had happened.
"and with Deacon?" grinned Chris now.
"we got even closer and no, we didn't have SEX. We want to see what happens"
"I'm happy for you. You shine right and that's damn nice to see. I'm happy for both of you, and I think you can both become something big," then she hugged Emma and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"And with you?" grinned Emma now.
" everything great. We want to move in together Emma" now it was Chris who beamed over both ears.
"That's nice. But I will miss you" she was really happy for her friend.
"Yes, me too. But we have a visit later, 2 streets away from here"
"Well then I'll keep my fingers crossed for you," grinned Emma. She was glad that the two had finally come together. At this moment, 2 arms are already lining up around Chris.
"Tomorrow my favorite wives", he grinned cheekily, gave Chris a kiss and winked at Emma.
"Schleimer" said the latter only grinning and left the room. She had to pack up before she went to Deacon. She wanted to take them a little picnic.

On the way to him and the children, she thought. Over the weekend in Chicago and what she wanted. She was now glad she had been to Chicago this weekend. Now it would be able to conclude with the past. But the weekend had also shown her that she had been very happy there and had made friends for life there. And that she wanted to let them into her new life. In addition, she was glad that he had seen this part of her life now, so she had opened up to him a little more. And because he had accompanied her, her feelings for him had become even stronger. From the beginning, she had felt something with him, but tried to ignore it, after all, he had only lost his wife. Never in her life had she expected that he too could feel something for her. And she could understand him that he couldn't throw himself into a relationship right away. He had 3 children and it would not be easy for the children to endure a new wife at his side and if it were over after 2 weeks, it would not be good for the children either. And the children were really close to her heart. She really loved the little rattle gang. The time with them was just so carefree and you could be a little child again. She was really looking forward to the afternoon with you.
Once there, all 3 came out already piled out.

"Emma, Emma" they shouted. Immediately she picked up the little one and together they went in. There, however, she stopped in shock, because Deacon was not alone.
"Oh hello," Emma said only quietly, because she noticed that the woman was discussing with him. The woman turned around and Emma felt like Anni was standing in front of her.
" Emma Forster. A colleague of David's," she said quite formally and introduced herself.
"Angela, Anni's sister" she said only a little grumpily.
"I'm happy" Emma tried again, but without much success. Angela looked at her from top to bottom.
"Emma, let's build a sand castle right away," Matt asked. She knelt down to him.
"Sure, the biggest one there is," she smiled at him.
" I see I'm out of place here. I'll go then. Auf wiedersehn Kinder". The children waved to her only briefly.
"Goodbye Aunt Angela," she just said. She only looked at Deacon briefly and then disappeared from the house. Emma realized that something had happened. He stood by the window and looked out thoughtfully.
"Okay, kids. You all go up quickly now, change your clothes and everyone packs a big beach towel, okay?" she looked at the 3 children. They nodded and they were gone.

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