Chapter 34: bad News

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there I am again.
Have fun.
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Immediately tears formed and she began to cry.
"I was so afraid that something might happen to the children. I was responsible for them. Deacon would never have forgiven me for that," she said, and the tears just ran down her cheek. Kelly looked at her and immediately pulled her into his arms.
"Shhht, calm down. It's all good. Nothing happened to the children. Deacon and you since also ok. All is well" he wiped away her tears with his fingers.
"Hey, everything is okay?" Hondo came to her now. He had seen from afar that she was probably crying.
"Go ahead," she said quietly, but did not break away from Severide.
" Hello. Kelly Severide. Her ex-boyfriend from Chicago and happened to be in L.A today", he shook hands with the team leader.
" Hey, Hondo, Team Leader of SWAT... Emma, it was a long day for you, go home if your car is still whole" he knelt in front of her and looked at her lovingly.
Then she sat up again and looked at Kelly.
"Where are you staying tonight?" she asked.
"I don't know yet. My hotel called an hour ago that unfortunately I could not check in. My suitcase is still on guard. Had just arrived there. Have to look where to go now"
Emma looked at him briefly in amazement. She thought for a moment, then smiled.
"I'll take you with me. I have recently had a guest room again, I hope only the apartment is still habitable."
"Are you sure?" he looked at her questioningly.
"yes, I would be really happy". He nodded briefly, stood up and informed the chief of the guard. He thanked Kelly for his help. Together, the two made their way to their car.
"Phew, he doesn't seem to have gotten anything," she said as she looked at the car. The whole parking lot was still pretty healthy.

The two got in and drove first to the guard and then home. Emma was lucky, only 2 shelves had fallen over and a few door glasses had broken. But already before the door she had seen that it must not have been so bad here. There she quickly showed him everything and then withdrew. She was pretty knocked out and really just wanted to sleep. When she got to bed, she wanted to speak to Deacon for a moment.

Emma: hey, are you already asleep? Is everything okay with you? Doesn't the house have too much damage

Deacon: Hey, you're at home. Everything is okay so far. The children are sleeping and I have tidied up a bit. But now also go to bed. Are you okay?"

Emma: yes, just tired. But I'm glad it didn't happen to the children. I would never have forgiven myself for that.

Deacon: You can't think about it. You can't do anything for this quake. And now sleep. We have to go back tomorrow and we should be a little rested there. Kiss

With a smile on her face, she put her phone away. That's exactly what she needed now. She would have preferred to lie in his strong arms now, but his kind words already had an effect. And he was right. She needed sleep. Pretty quickly she fell into a quiet sleep.

The alarm clock tore her out of her sleep. She would have loved to just keep sleeping, but she knew she had to go to work. A little tired, she dragged herself into the kitchen and was amazed, the table was set and the coffee was already running through. A good-humoured Severide sat at the table and grinned at her.
"Tomorrow" he grinned.
"Boah, you're still in such a good mood in the morning," she laughed and took a coffee. But she thought it was cute that he had taken care of breakfast again as before.
"I revel in memories," she smiled and sat down with him.
" Me too. We already had a nice time "
yes, we had" she thought about their time together, often they had breakfast in bed before he had to go to the shift.
"What's in store for you today?" she wanted to know.
"I have to go to the guard and then see, I'm here for an exchange, for a week. We want to learn from each other"
" Sounds interesting. If you want, you are welcome to sleep with me for the week," she invited him.
" With pleasure. Yes, I'm looking forward to the week and I also planned to get back to you," he grinned crookedly.
"Well, then it's good," she grinned before the doorbell rang. She quickly opened and accepted the mail. It was a registered letter.
"What's going on?" asked Kelly when he noticed that she was faltering a bit.
" Der Gerichtstermin. In a month in Chicago"
Hey" he took her hand.
" Everything will be fine. We're all going to be there and the guys are going to be behind bars for a long time. I know that," he said to her courage.
" I know. You won't get away with it. But despite everything, it's a very strange feeling to have to face them again," she admitted.
"I believe you. Together we will be able to do it. You have friends, you have Deacon," he smiled.
"yes, you're right. And besides, I have to. My shift starts in an hour. Maybe you want to go with me?"
" Oh sure. I'd like to have a look at it."
"Well then let's go with us". Immediately both cleaned up together and got ready. On the way, they talked about all sorts of things.

"So, then I'll show you my kingdom," she laughed and entered the headquarters with him. He was impressed. It was so different from HQ in Chicago. It was friendlier, brighter and the good mood could be felt. She showed him the kitchen, where they also found Street and Chris. She quickly introduced each other.
"Hey, would you keep him company for a short time, then I'll change my clothes quickly," Emma asked the group.
"Sure, even a coffee," Chris asked, and they were already engrossed in a conversation.
Emma stepped into the locker room, where she found only Deacon.
"Hey, everything is okay," she asked and got closer to him.
"Yes, just a little tired," he wipes out of her.
"okay", she said only briefly and went to her locker. He usually gave her here when they were alone, but always a little kiss. But now nothing came. He didn't seem to be on the job. But before she could say anything, there was a knock at the door.

"Hey Deacon, he was just dropped off for you," Rocker said, handing him a letter.
"Thank you" Deacon looked briefly at Emma, then he opened the letter. It was mucksmäuschenstill and Emma continued to change. Suddenly, Emma crashed and startled. Deacon had slammed the locker door with full force and with his fist full force against it. Immediately she ran over to him.
She tried to "calm down," but again he slammed the door and the letter fell to the ground. She took his hand in hers, and she had to muster all her strength.
"Shht" she looked deep into his eyes. When he had come down a bit, she knelt down and picked up the letter. She quickly read through it. Frightened, she looked up at him. He was in tears.
"I can't lose her Emma too," he breathed. And seconds later, his arms snake around her. Now it was her, she was angry. How could Anni's sister do this to him?
"I'm not going to let that happen," she said seriously, giving him the support he needed.

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