Chapter 30

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Have fun


Emma entered the headquarters. With a lump in her throat, she walked down the aisle. At the door, they were immediately recognized and let through. Everything was different here than in L.A. The corridors were very narrow and not as open as in L.A. There were a lot of doors available. Behind every door there was something hidden. It felt overwhelming and not as friendly and open as the L.A.P.D.SWAT.
"it all seems so tight to me here now" was the first thing she said as they walked through the aisle.
" That's right. I wanted to say, here you feel completely constricted," he agreed with her. His gaze fell on the walls to his left and right. Suddenly, the door opened and an elderly man in a suit approached her.
" Emma, nice to see her. I am glad that they are here. I wanted to talk to you" the man shook hands with them and Deacon introduced himself. Deacon also looked at him closely. Something bothered him about the man, but he couldn't say exactly what. Maybe it was just that he hadn't had a faint clue what had happened here for weeks or months.
"Tomorrow" she said only briefly and shook his hand.
"We don't want to have a cup of coffee," the elderly man offered them and showed them the kitchen.
"Emma, I want to tell you how sorry I am for all this. I wish they had talked to me," began the older man who had sat down opposite them.
"I couldn't talk to you, they threatened me that it would be even worse for me"
"If I had known, I would have done something right away." He said again. Deacon had to pull himself together a lot. He couldn't get rid of the feeling that the guy here wanted to blame Emma.
"Are they okay now?" the man wanted to know.
"It goes so far, thank you" Emma also noticed that her former boss didn't react exactly the way you had to as a boss.
"I heard they got 2 more women after I was gone."
"yes, that's true," he said proudly.
"did they ask how you were doing, if maybe the same thing happened to them," she asked a little angrily.
"No, why should I?" he asked, totally surprised.

Now she had to control herself.
"Emma, why are they so upset now?" he wanted to know.
"Because I have the feeling that they are trying to blame everything on me, because I have not said anything, but not that they are here, not at all about their people. Maybe after they found out what happened, it would have been good to talk to their people about it"
" I think it would be better if they left now and I would ask them to take their remaining things out of the locker. They had left us a bit like a curse" he got up and wanted to leave the kitchen.

"The women certainly did not have what happened to them. They didn't have to be surprised how they present themselves," he said and went out. Deacon stormed up and ran after the guy.
"What did they say?" shouted Deacon a little louder, so the commander turned around.
"Oh, do they have something going on, they both," he grinned cheekily. Now the fuses burned through and Deacon went on the guy, luckily someone was faster.
"Let it be good. The guys here are really not worth it," he was noted. He tried to fight back.
"Kay, let it be good. Don't make a mistake, they were further persuaded. The Commander walked away and Deacon turned around. Behind him was Jay. He and Hailey had something to discuss with SWAT and were probably just right.
"All right?" asked Jay.
" This idiot. He says it's her own fault," he gasped and briefly closed his eyes to gather. Together with Jay, they walked through the hallway back to the kitchen. There they found Hailey, kneeling in front of Emma.
"What the guy said is complete crap," she swallowed. Deacon was about to take her in his arms, then the door opened and 2 women came in.

"Hello Halstead" they said briefly and wanted to get coffee.
"Would you please sit down with us?" Jay then began the conversation. One of the two had often tried to dig him up and maybe it would help him now.
" This is Emma Foster. She worked here before you," he explained briefly and saw her reaction. Both immediately tensed up and looked at each other.
"We have to go again" one stuttered immediately. Emma knew what was going on.
"Please stay," she said calmly but seriously. She looked at the two girls.
" If you remain silent, they will do it again and again. But if you make a statement now, we will be able to lock it away together for a long time. I know you are afraid, afraid that they will do something to you again. But if we accuse them of 3, they will never get out of jail again and you too can finish with it. You deserve it as much as I do. We are young. We should be able to live and love. I waited too long to talk. But we must not remain silent." She just started talking.
The girls looked at her. It took a few minutes, then one of the two completely broke in and cried. Emma immediately reacted and got up. She went to the young woman and knelt down towards her.
"Hey, what's your name?" she asked quietly.
"Donna," she said succinctly.
"Donna, we're going to do it together. We now go out here together, drive with Halstead and Upton to the area and have a statement recorded. Because I want them to stay with them too"
" Thank you. we can call my friend please. Maybe I can prevent the separation in this way," she shuffled.
" Of course. You should definitely do that. I lost my partner at the time. But they must not succeed again" Emma looked Donna gently in the eyes and put her hand on hers.
"I'll come along too," said only the other woman.
"Well, then let's go. Before I forget myself here and move the store," Jay said. He had a hard time fighting with himself.
Together they left the building, where they met the commander again.
Deacon stood by him.
" I will file a lawsuit against them Commander. A commander is there to protect his team and to make his team a good team. They watched that 3 young policewomen were taken away from their dignity here," he said seriously and then left the premises of CFD SWAT with everyone.

When he arrived at the car, he had to take a deep breath, then he looked at Emma. She seemed very composed, but it knew that it looked very different inside her. Together they drove to the area. Deacon stayed away from the action. He knew she had to do it alone. But he also knew she would need him later. He had sat down in the kitchen and was waiting for her to come. He had also used the time to call his children and ask if everything was okay.
"We can go" she tore him out of his thoughts at some point.
"Okay," he said only briefly, he realized how agitated she was. Side by side, they left the guard and drove back to the hotel. Emma immediately lay down. She had spoken almost not a word since they had left at the station. Deacon put her in front of her and took her firmly in his arms from behind.

"I'm here. Let your feelings and emotions out," he breathed softly and then it took less than 10 seconds for her to cry violently. It took him to see her so hurt again, but he knew that moment was coming here and he was prepared for it. Prepared to hold her, give her a strong shoulder and just be there.
" Shhht. Everything will be fine," he breathed softly.
"I could have prevented that, with the two women," she said at some point.
"Emma, you can't blame yourself. The guys are to blame and no one else. You were afraid. And that was normal in the situation. But they will now pay for everything they have done to you and to others. And the Commander won't just get away with it. Hicks and I have already set everything in motion. It will be over now. And you will be able to finish with it now," he said very quietly.
She hugged him even tighter and just enjoyed the fact that he was there. She caught her and was just him.

" Thank you Deacon. That you get through this with me here. That you are my side. I don't know how I can ever make up for it," she murmured into his shirt. He lovingly took her head into his hands.
"I want you to be happy again, to be able to live again," he smiled and kissed her gently. In the back of his mind, however, the questions were buzzing as to whether he could or would be happy with her at some point.

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