Chapter 20: Therapy

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Here comes the next update, enjoy reading on.


there I am again.

Thank you Kristina and Seidenschnabel for your reviews and suggestions. I try my best to implement everything so far.

But now it's time to continue with Emma. Let's see what lies ahead of her now.

Have fun


"You mean yourself and Mr. Kay" asked the elderly lady immediately.

"No, we're just friends. But I know 2 people who have a lot of feelings for each other, who really love each other, but who forbid this love, because of the SWAT. And I know and experience it every day that the two of them make a perfect team, no matter how tricky everything is. But for fear that one of them would have to leave SWAT, they deny their feelings," "

Okay, and what do they want from me now?"

"I just want them to think about whether this rule is really the right one, or whether you could adjust this rule a little bit. I can understand that they want to prevent it from getting into a fight or something. But that's how it happens, without a relationship or anything else. The L.A. SWAT is now my 3rd job at SWAT in 10 years, I have never experienced a team that sticks together like this one. Whether it's the team of Hondo or Mumford. Yes, there are sometimes arguments, it is spoken out and then it is good. And in relationships, it's the same. And in other professions, there are also couples who work together. I would just ask them to consider whether the rule could not be changed somewhat. For example, that you would have to inaugurate the commander, and that if there are really problems, one has to leave the SWAT. But don't ban it immediately. You can't choose who you fall in love with. And at SWAT you spend a lot of time together very often" Emma hoped in the last sentence that she had not overstepped the mark. She just wanted Jessica and Hondo to get a chance and maybe Chris and Street. Only because of a stupid rule you should not suppress your feelings, she had noticed in the last few weeks.

"I promise them that I will think about it" the mayor was really touched by the words. She had never seen it that way and she was not wrong in everything. But she didn't want to make decisions too quickly.

"So, we should both really sleep a little," smiled the older woman.

Emma nodded. " Thank you very much. I will gladly accept her offer with the therapy"

"I'm happy about that," she smiled and left the room. Emma lay down and quickly fell asleep due to the medication.

The next day, Street and Chris had come to see her around noon. They had talked about everything for a long time and so Emma had decided to do the inpatient therapy. For this she had to go to San Diego. But Street and Chris had agreed with her that it was the right thing to do and that she could have a happy life again after this therapy.

Jessica had also come by in the evening and had told her that she was doing the right thing and that it wasn't bad if she wasn't there for a few weeks. The two had spoken for a very long time and Emma had felt really good. With Deacon he had written sometimes throughout the day, he had asked again and again if she was fine or if he should come by. But Emma wanted him to spend the day off with his children and not with her at her bedside. She was doing quite well so far and had time to think. Jessica had spoken to Hondo and he would take her to San Diego because everyone else had to work and she also had an appointment.

The next morning, Hondo picked her up at the hospital.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked and came closer.

"Try it, but I can't promise you," she smiled. She wanted to try. Slowly he came closer and gently put his strong arms around her.

"I'm so glad you're doing well," he smiled.

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