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A/n: Tine narrated what happened during these 3 years...

Tine's Pov:

I turned to the voice and saw a woman. She's beautiful, tall, slim. Looks like a perfect model. But who is she? I gripped my sling bag and bowed to her.

"Sawadee.... Tine... Tine Teepkorn.... Isn't it?" She said. I nodded. She sighed and stepped in front of me. "Are you... Going somewhere Tine?" She said in a soft voice. I gulped. She was not stopping her movements, I stepped back maintaining a distance.

"I asked something... Are you going somewhere?" I nodded hesitantly. She looked at me from my face down to the body. I was getting uncomfortable. She smirked.

"I might say... You have a nice body... Is that the reason Sarawat is so in love with you?" She asked. Huh she.. She knows him? I shook my head. She did a very disturbing thing. She touched my neck, rubbing down to my chest. She held my arms, caressing it. I yanked her hand away.

She slapped me. Then grabbed my cheeks "Don't dare to mess with me bitch... You're here just for showing off... Sarawat is filthy rich and you're just a stupid slut sticking at his nose everytime and everywhere. I've seen through those fan pages how Sarawat catch you and look into your eyes. I so want to stab those fucking eyes of yours..... You know bitch every looks of his on you make me sick. I want to rip these skin from you. What will happen if I tear the flesh? Will he love you anymore? Huh? Even... You're going to his home now.. Bitch no one can take my position not even his future wife... As his future is only me.. " Her nails were digging into my skin.

She called some mens. "Tie him and throw him inside the basement... And you know what to do" She smirked looking at me. She's a psychopath.

All went black. I woke up in a dusty shady basement all tied up in a chair. My eyes were all tied with a cloth. I can only hear voices. As if two of them are fighting.

"Yah.... So? I want them to suffer... He hurted me first" "Try to understand Jina... It's not his fault.." "Oh... So you're taking his side now huh?" "I'm not taking anyone's side... You're misunderstanding" "Me? Hahaha... Nice joke... After fucking me you started liking him huh? HOW COULD YOU JACK?"..

Jack? What is he doing here?

"Jina... Calm down... I know I hurted you... Because I liked Tine way too much... Because of our relationship I hurted Tine... But I've seen Sarawat.. How he loves him... We both are fault Jina... Stop this nonsense now leave Tine.. " "You made me leave Sarawat first.... Jack.. " "Yes I know... I'm apologizing for it" "You fell for this boy... Why this boy is taking EVERY ONE FROM ME HUH? WHYYY?" "Jina... Throw that knife... I'm telling you it'll end up" "I... I don't care Jack.... This boy.... This fucker took everyone from me... Firstly Ren then Josh then Luke then you... Then Sarawat... WHY???"

What? So these all boys were her lovers but because of me she's like this. I didn't accept them. Ren, Josh, Luke came to my life but I never fell for them. I accepted them as my friends nothing more.

I suddenly flinched when I heard a loud cry. A loud thud. I was shivering.

"I... I'm sorry Jack... It's all because of this stupid boy.... Rest in peace Jack" She sniffe, and cried later she started laughing. "DIE... DIE... DIEEE...... I'll kill everyone who left me because of this boy". I don't know what will happen to me. All I can do is silently crying and praying for Sarawat.

Please don't kill him pleaseee.... No God save his life.. Please Sarawat save your life.. Please...

Whole two years passed, she surprisingly kept me alive though she tortured me, used whiplashes, hot water, not giving me food or water, slapping, punching, giving me threats. But she suddenly untied my ropes and threw me on the floor.

"Take him to the car" The men picked me up and kept me inside the car. I don't have a single pinch of energy to move my fingers all I can do is sit like a living cadaver. We reached to a place. I don't know where. But they took me out, opened the cloth from my eyes. And threw me.

My body flew down and got hit by a hard stone and fell into the water. The touch of the water is what I was craving for.

Suddenly I heard a roar. I was still in the same position. Lying on my stomach under the waterfall. My eyes somehow opened to see a tiger roaming around. This was only left.

"S.... Sa.... Ra.... W... A.... T~~~" I again blacked out.

Where am I? What happened to me? Why it's so cold? I felt warmth in this place. The place was looking like it was made up of stones. Stone house. I made some noise.

"Oh... Dear you woke up?" I looked at the direction. A middle aged lady came to me, she smiled "Dear... I'm so happy you opened your eyes after so many months". What? Who's she..

"W.. Ho... A.. Re... You?" My voice was rough and scratchy. She caresses my head "You don't remember anything I think... You were lying in the water all bloodied condition. And there was a tiger roaming around. It's our tiger. He found you, as he was roaring, my husband went to him. He saw you, blood was oozing out from your head and body. I hope you didn't lose any memory. We don't know you but being with you these months, we thought of adopting you as our child. We don't have any son Or daughter. As I saw you my heart melted. We... We can't give you anything dear, see we live in a such a bad condition, stone house, torn clothes, no money. We hunt and have our meals. And you belong to a rich family that's why we don't know if you'll accept us as your mom dad or not" The lady was crying. Her husband also came, he was too standing holding some logs in his hands. He was looking down.

I don't remember properly but I remember some specific things. "I... I d..ont... ha.. ve p.. pare.. nts... I only.... h..a... v..e.. S.. Sa.... " I started coughing and wheezing sound was coming from my chest. It's paining.

And after that, I accepted them as my parents. They gave me foods though not so clean, a bit raw. Still I ate, I ate everything happily. I was gobbling down the good as I haven't eat for 2 years. They were looking at me with smiley face. As I was eating, my tears didn't stop. They even caressed my head when I rested my head on their lap. I slept on the floor, they were here always beside me. They don't have a single penny with them, they blame themselves everytime that they give me anything.

But I like the feeling. I can talk. For them, I started hunting with dad. Dad was so impressed with me, he always motivated me for doing good job. I love them so much, I never had a father who'll say these beautiful words to me. But he did. My mom feeds me and tell stories about their wedding. My mom helped me to talk properly now. I felt so happy that they love each other so much. Suddenly I thought of Sarawat. Sarawat was the name. But what's my relationship with him, I forgot. I was curing up bit by bit everyday.

I used to play with Bozo. I named the tiger he's my brother. He loves me so much. I talk to him everyday and amazingly he listens to me.

One year passed. I remembered some scenes. My tears always stream down my eyes whenever I think about Sarawat.

I went to the rills it was where I started the new journey of mine. I sat under the big tree, feeling the fresh air. So I started singing. I heard a voice, oddly familiar, soothing which haunted me at nights. I looked at the direction and....


COME to me SARAWAT....

I don't know if this chapter was good... 🙁...

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