Princess Lupis

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I go back to the slum section to avoid attention. For now, I've stopped the bleeding of my amputated left arm.

Now then, it's possible for me to "regenerate" my arm but the problem is again mana consumption.

I sigh.

In a secluded alleyway, I get to work and sit down, focusing my entire energy on controlling mana. My body glows in a dark blue when a surge in mana moves from my heart to my arm. Afterwards, the mana slowly builds up to form a new and healthy component.

"Huff...It's done." I mumble when I open my eyes at the break of dawn. Moving my fingers and joints, everything seems to be perfectly in place. The only downside is...I've used up every drop of mana in my body collected from Belscari and those bandits.


"Hah." I should let bygones be bygones.
I planned to destroy the inn so Yuki will bring us to her home in the countryside. Why? Because there isn't much time till The Heroes Awakening and I need to meet that brat Kazuki...who should be currently at Yuki's house. So, I should get going, Yuki might have heard of the news and is currently travelling back to the kingdom.

But before that...


Someone is stalking me, he started doing so ever since I enter the slums.
Although I would love to directly invade his mind for information, I'm low on mana.
That leaves me no choice but to face him.

"Show yourself," I say.


The wind howls by before a man in a black suit finally materialize out of nothing.
"Impressive, are you responsible for all the killings around the kingdom?" He asks.

"What killings?" I reply.

He rubs his chin with his white gloves and says "No matter, what's important is your skill and your aura."


" have the aura of a sadistic psychopath."

His status immediately pops up above him.
Eighth Star Magic Swordsman

-Eye of Truth
-Divinity Detection
-Cloak overlay
-Fatal Strike

Sword Style: Metamorphosis
Blessing: Pyro Goddess
This man...has received a blessing from a goddess.

If we are to fight, I am confident I can win but I will sustain fatal injuries.

"Anyways, three knights have died brutally in a shack that was inhabited by you a few weeks ago. Does that ring a bell?"

I stay silent.

"Don't worry. Nobody will hold you accountable if you meet princess Lupis." He says.


I widen my eyes in surprise.

Princess Lupis?!

There is no way I wouldn't know who she is...

"Alright," I say.

After all, she and I are very similar.
Lupis is the core backer of Kazuki and is the one that supported him in terms of both strategies and resources. Because of her, Kazuki had a very leisurely road to success. If so, this man must be her butler, Jona.
Jona escorts me to the central Royalty section, where a palace stood.

Giant wall parameters around the castle with only one gate at the front. Jona nods to the guards and they open the gate for us, throwing glances of curiosity at me.

We walk into the palace and rows of maids greet Jona, who gestures to them to move away.

They scatter about as Jona looks back to see my reaction, I continue staring at him and avoid looking around.

He continues his escort until we reach a large double door. The door leads into a dining room with a large table in the middle.


Why the dining room?

Just in case, I send mana around the room as a scout.

Jona bows to the lady sitting at the far end of the table. The lady, wearing a simple blue dress, smiles at me. "Hello, please take a seat." The lady says.


I take the seat furthest away from her, at the other end of the table. She scratches her head but says nothing about my decision.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Lupis Ron Kainz, The princess of the kingdom." She says.

"I am Akuma," I reply.

"A peculiar but interesting name."


"Stop beating around the bush," I say.

Lupis sighs. "I called you here to have breakfast with you. Why not-"

"Get to the point." I persist.

Lupis lifts her hand to stop Jona from commenting on my rudeness.

"I need your strength." Says Lupis. "In return, you will be compensated with immense wealth and even a title. Of course, the conditions can be negotiated."


"Pft...hahahaha!!" I start to laugh.


Lupis widens her eyes. "W-What's wrong?"

"Hah..." I wipe the tears off my eyes. "I am not going to work under you. Instead, let me suggest a collaboration."

Jona clenches his fist. "Brat-"

A glimpse of blue flies past Lupis, leaving a small cut on her neck and slashing the tip of the chair off.


"Don't interrupt us," I say to Jona as a warning.

Jona's jaw drops when he was unable to ascertain that attack.

Lupis gulps and says "Jona, leave."


"Leave!" Lupis repeats herself.

Jona swallows his pride and walks out.

Lupis composes herself and says "May you elaborate on your suggestion?"

"I will be straightforward with you. Lupis, I know about your sick sadistic hobby and I will help you with subduing The Hero." I say.


Her fragile smile immediately drops into a glaring frown and she starts to show her true self. "Who are you?"

"I'm Akuma," I reply.


"What do you want?"

I smirk and say "Authority and support."

Lupis has a secret hobby of enslaving people, especially those of extreme importance and talent, and a dungeon is built below this palace to satiate her desire. The Hero fully satisfies both of these conditions and is an incredibly tempting prey to her.

Lupis closes her eyes and think. Afterwards, she nods. "Alright."


Suddenly, a blue chain links her heart to mine and slowly dissipates into the surrounding.

Lupis soulless eyes stay unfazed at the phenomenon.

"How will I die if I break the contract?" Lupis asks.

"It's 'we', the person who breaks the contract will have their heart crushed, including me," I reply.

What I did was incorporate tier 7 magic "Soul Bound Contract" with mana manipulation. That way, the chance of dispelling the magic is next to none.

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