Important Notes(not a chapter)

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It has come to my attention that there is a miscommunication of the similarities and differences between the Original Antagonist's Revenge(AR) and the remake version of AR.

So I hope after reading this, you are more clear about what is happening. If you still have any questions, feel free to comment it.
Topic: Plot
The plot in the original story and remake version is blatantly distinguishable.

The difference lies in the extra characters added and the way the world works, magic, etc.
The number of plot holes in the original version is abysmal compared to the remake and I would say there is a stable flow and pacing in the remake version.

However, the general outline of the plot for both the remake version and the original version is roughly the SAME.

In short, the final outcome is somewhat the same but the process is different.

One simple example is the hero's downfall in the original story where he was framed to kill the protagonist. That won't happen in this story. Instead a new, much more creative process will take place.

Additional Note: This may or may not change in the coming future. I might deter from the original plot when it deems fit.
Topic: Protagonist Akuma

Some people think that this Akuma simply only think of murder and has no plans whatsoever when compared to the original Akuma. That is false.
The first few chapters only show Akuma killing happily is because of two reasons:
1. He needs to grow stronger, by killing people, he can absorb their vitality and energy.
2. He likes killing.

But Akuma is NOT obsessed with killing itself and instead enjoys watching the despair of his victims when he kills.

In the recent "Plan" chapters, the motive behind Akuma's action is to be acquainted with Yuki and Kazuki before The Hero's awakening. That way, Akuma can take note of Kazuki's movement and have an advantage.
To do so, he will have to meet Kazuki back in Yuki's house in the countryside and he will need an alibi to go there.

This was done in a mere fucking chapter in the original story within less than 500 words(Chapter 6)

Thus, there isn't much difference between the original Akuma and the new Akuma. Probably the only difference is the decree of tactful wisdom.

The new Akuma is much more manipulative and careful when it comes to making decisions, while the original Akuma is just mostly reckless charging.
Topic: Worldbuilding

The medieval magic world-building in this story is much more solid and relatable to reality, something that isn't present in the original story.
Topic: Character

Characters are less one-dimensional and people ACT more like humans in this story.

In addition, more characters are added to spice up the mundane world and add the possibility of a plot twist.
Topic: Strength System

I decided to deploy a system that's much easier to understand, the "star system". Rather than the original barrage of SSSSS ranks of different categories.

The strength of magic and techniques follows a "Tier system" with Tier 1 being the worst.

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