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I don't know where I am.

It's dark, like a void.

I feel a presence, a presence that's both familiar and unfamiliar.

"Hello," I finally call out, my voice echoing through the void. "Where am I?"

"Asahi, you're all grown up."

I feel my heart writhed inside my chest at that name.

"Who are you? How do you know that name?" I call to the stranger, putting my guard up even more.

"I gave you your gift, sweet child. Do you not remember me?" The voice, sounding sad, calls out softly.

"You mean the curse." I scoff. "Whoever you are, remove it. I don't want it."

"You asked for it. Why don't you want such beautiful gift?"

"That gift is my punishment, isolated from the world, no one and nothing to turn to."

"Well, that's a lie. I put all these wonderful people in your path, your mom, your lover. I picked the best." The voice tries to justify.

"You expect me to thank you?" I seethed. "Mom's husband wouldn't have died if I never met him."

"You are always looking at the dark side," I didn't need to see the owner of the voice to know they were rolling their eyes. "What about that girl? She's the only one that can touch and love you physically."

With that, my world shatters. It's because of them that Aisha can't feel, because of me, she has a short lifespan, and because of me she has a strain on her relationship with her father.

"You cursed her too? What do you want from me?" I cry out, eyes burning with tears.

"For the last time, it's not a curse, it's a blessing. I just want what's best for you, my sweet boy," The voice cooed, I feel a ghost touch on my cheek making me flinch.



"Azrail..................Wake Up"

"Look I don't have much time, just remember you're bless and you're not a killer." The voice says, their voice fading as Aisha's become louder.

"Who are you?"

"I love you my sweet boy," As the voice fade, and the room becomes brighter, I see a glimpse of a feminine figure walking away, her hair long and black, her figure slim and small.

"You're finally waking up." Aisha voice, like a lullaby in my ears. I open my eyes, closing it quickly as the school light burns my eyes. I give it time to adjust before looking at Aisha.

She looked like a goddess looking down on me.

"How long have I been out?" I ask.

We we're still in the hallway with my head on her lap.

"Two minutes," She mummers. Her eyes looking over me like I was a fragile thing.

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