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It's been a week and I still haven't heard from Azrail. Instead of going to his place and checking on him, I decided to give him his space and wait for him to come to me first, and boy do I regret that decision. 

Yesterday, a bouquet of red roses were sent to my house along with a happy valentines day card from Azrail. When I tried to call to thank him, there was no answer. He was still ignoring me. 

My dad told me that the lawyers are working hard and Azrail will be off the hook soon, the police are already looking for other suspects. I don't know too much about the case because it's not my place, but since Azrail gave consent I get to know the basics. 

"What's on your mind?" My dad asks bringing me out of my thoughts. I shake my head, I forgot he was there. Today was one of the days where he wasn't in a rush and can just stay home. 

"Nothing daddy," I answered out loud when I saw the glare my mom gave me. "Thank you again for using your lawyers to help Azrail."

He gives a nod as a response before focusing his attention to my mom. I loved the way my parents loved each other, but hated it at the same time. When they're showing each other love, it's like everyone doesn't exist, including their own child. 

Why did they even have me? I hope I never treat my kids like this. 

"I gotta go, bye daddy, bye ma." I say getting up and cleaning my plate before going to school. 

I debated on whether or not to go see Azrail, I miss our daily talks, his hugs, his presences. Before I knew it, I was pulling up in front of his driveway. 

I ring the doorbell waiting for someone to open the door. I waited for what seemed like forever, in reality it was probably twenty seconds, for him to answer the door. 

He looked breathtaking as always, today he seemed to actually be dressed up for school. 

"Hi," I said softly. 

"Hi," He whispers back, stepping to the side and inviting me in. My heart racing as I walk passed him, tempted to go into his arms. 

"I'm sorry." We both said at the same time once I walked into the house, both of us laughing at the interaction. 

"I should've never accused you of something like that, I was just worried." 

"I should've never kicked you out, that was rude of me, a part of me was just scared that you might've been right, what if I did try to touch him." He says, his eyes watering a bit. I pull him into a big hug. 

"You're not a murderer, and I'm sorry for ever suggesting that you were." 

He pulled back a bit from the hug, his eyes filled with sadness. "But angel, I could be."

"But you're not."

"I could be Aisha, I get so mad at the thought of being away from you, that I want to get ride of all obstacles, what if one day I do kill someone."

"We'll cross that bridge if we get to it." I assure him, giving him a small peck on the lips before hugging him again. 

"I missed you, so much." He says, laying small kisses on my neck and squeezing the life out of me. 

I smirk, looking up at him. "If you missed me so much, why didn't you contact me." I tease. 

"I didn't think you would want to talk to me after the way I treated you, so I decided to give you your space and wait for you to reach me." 

Touch MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora