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Monday, May 10th, 2027

-Aisha's P.O.V.-

Finals season. 

Students of all grades dread it, some more than others. 

I was one of the students stressing out, while Azrail was completely fine. 

Not only is my boyfriend a genius, but he somehow don't know the definition of test anxiety. And unlike him, my normal exams and my ap exams are in the same week. 

Lucky bitch. 

"You're going to be fine angel, you know the material." He says trying to calm me down, I roll my eyes and push him slightly trying to focus on the study guide. 

"Easy for you to say," I grumble while he and Tessa laughs. 

"Why are you so worried anyways Aisha, it's not like you're taking the calc exam today." 

I froze at her words, panic coming over me while her eyes widen when she realized what she said. 

"Shit, I'm sorry." She spews out trying to apologize, I close my book and get up. 

"I'm going to class," I mutter, making my way to where my AP lit exam was being held, hoping I can get a few minutes of silence before the test starts. 

After a tiring 2 and a half hours, I walked out of the classroom drained and less anxious. I don't feel confident with my performance but it was done and out of my control now. 

I smile at Azrail who was leaning outside of the classroom with a bag of food and my favorite drink order. 

"Sorry for my attitude earlier," I apologies, taking the drink from him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I was just stressed out." 

"No need to apologies angel, I understand." He says giving me a soft peck on the forehead. 

"You're the best," I mutter enjoying his embrace, all the stress flowing out of me. "Why are you here anyways? There's no exams for you today." 

"I'm here for emotional support and this," He says pulling back and open the box he hand in his hand. 

It was a donut themed proposal, cute and simple. 

"Aww," I cooed, giving him another kiss on the cheek. "It was already an unspoken agreement but I love it nonetheless." 

"The rest of your gifts did not get here yet," He says biting one of the donuts. 

"There's more?" 

"Of course there's more, you deserve the world angel." 

"Cheesy much." 

"Only for you." 


Wednesday, May 12th, 2027

Today was the last finals for Azrail and I. 

I was done with AP testing yesterday, and like I predicted Ap calculus almost killed me. 

Today was a fun day, for me anyways. Azrail and I were going to present our app to our computer science class, and then afterwards I had a short performance for my theater class. 

Unfortunately for Azrail, his AP chemistry and Biology teacher are making him take an exam since he opted out of his AP tests. 

Some teachers are too much. 

"Ms. Aisha, Mr. Azrail, are you guys ready to present?" Our professor calls out, we nod and make our way up front. 

"For our app, we decided to make something fun and educational for people who have trouble studying like me." I says jokingly, earning a few chuckles. 

"We decided to take inspiration from olden applications such as Duolingo, Coolmathgames, from pass generations to come up with 'Learningo'." Azrail says, raising a brow at me with the names. 

I never said I was good with coming up with app names. 

I roll my eyes at Abigail who scoffed at the name, "The name is a working progress, the brain of the project wasn't available when I was coming up with the name." I say shutting her up with a glare. 

The presentation went smoothly afterwards. Azrail explained the logistics of the game since he was 100% present for the first part of the project and I talked about the process of making the app in the college. 

"Any questions?" I ask at the end. 

"Do you have proof of the app working?" The professor ask, pointing out the fact that we didn't provide proof on the PowerPoint. 

"Yes, my calculus grades from before and after I started using the app is the proof we used," I admit sheepishly. "I was just too embarrassed to show the whole class so I included it in our final report." 

Azrail gives him the report and we watch as he flips and briefly read over the report. He nods approvingly, a small smile appearing on his face. 

"Why the turtle as a logo?" Someone in the class calls out. 

"I just love turtles," I say shrugging and smiling up at Azrail. 

"Good job, please stay after class." Our professor says dismissing us to our seats. 

I wonder what he wants to talk about. 

"You did amazing angel," Azrail whispers to me and giving me a small squeeze on my hand. 

Once the bell rings the students left and it was just Azrail and I with the teacher. 

"I must say, I am very proud of you two for coming up with such application." He compliments. 

"Thank you sir, but it was all Aisha." 

"Don't listen to him," I comment feeling a bit embarrassed. "Azrail helped a lot with the ideas, I mainly did the coding and design with help of the college students."

"you guys are an amazing pair, are any of you interested in making this a career." 

"Aisha is," Azrail says softly pushing me toward the professor. 

"Is that so? What about dancing?" He asks, genuinely confused. 

I don't blame him, I was always late in class because I put ballet as a priority. 

"I'm doing both," I admit. "Going to the School of American Ballet while also doing online classes in NYC, as a computer science major." 

"Wow," He comments in awe. "That's a lot but I have faith you can do it, your parents must be proud." 

I stay quiet. I haven't told my parents about my choices yet. Not because I don't want to, but because I haven't seen them since the barbecue at Jason's. 

"I'm also very proud of her, my girl is going to do big things." Azrail says putting his arm around my shoulders comfortingly. 

I blush at that comment. 

"Here is mine and my brothers card, whenever you're ready to start an internship and learn more about app development, please contact him and tell him I sent you. You show great potential and I can't wait to see how far you go Aisha."

I feel my eyes water as I take the card. 

"Thank you professor." 

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