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I stare down at my boyfriend. 


I love that word. 

He's still sleeping, so I can examine his features without him shying away from me. The way his eyebrows are perfectly kept, his pale skin with a little bit of acne scar and his neck tattoos. 

He looks heavenly. 

His hair is starting to grow a bit more, meaning he's probably going to cut it soon since he hates when it gets too long. 

"Why are you staring at me?" He asks, not even opening his eyes. 

"How long have yo-?" 

"Since the moment you got on this blow up mattress." He says pulling me fully on him and hugging me. 

This man is truly something else. 

"You're up before the alarm, why?" 

"I don't know, just woke up." I shrug snuggling next to him. "You're mom already went to work and left us breakfast." 

"That means I got thirty minutes left," He puts me next to him and use the sheets to cover me before laying on my chest. "Let me enjoy it." 

"Do you really enjoy sleep that much?" 

"I use to barely sleep until we started taking naps together," He answers letting out a cute yawn. 

I smile at that and let him fall asleep, playing with his hair. 

As time goes by I start thinking about our futures. It's true that some people with stay with their high school sweetheart forever, but that's rare. 

What if it comes to the point where Azrail only stays with him because I'm the only one he can touch? 

What if we pick different colleges? 

What if he gets tired of me?

What if I get tired of him?

"I can hear those gears turning, what are you thinking about?" 

I look at Azrail, sleep still in his eyes but he was still looking at me intensely. 

"I'm feeling a bit insecure." 


"Our relationship."

"Did I do something to make you insecure?" He asks, worry evident in his eyes. 

I shake my head. "No, I was just overthinking about the future." 

He wraps his arm around me and give me a big hug. "Angel, lets live in the present. We both care about each other, and I don't see anything ending anytime soon." 


"No buts, I'm obsessed with you woman," he says sending me his signature boyish smile. 

"What about college?"

"What about it?

"What if we go to different colleges?"

"I'll follow you wherever you go, I never really had a dream school and  I'm just going to go just to go," He says like its the most obvious thing in the world. "Real estate don't really need a bachelor degree if you have the right connections." 

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