Chapter 14

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"Ahem guys, sorry to disturb your mini reunion but we are here for a purpose"

NK couldn't take it anymore. He has never seen Arnav hugging anyone like that. Both of them are very close. They are like brothers but they've never hugged like that.

On the other hand, Khushi was losing it. She was so angry at Akash. He was nervous meeting this man a few hours ago and now he is hugging him like he has known him since birth.

"Akash, pull apart. What the hell is wrong with you?"

If NK's voice didn't bring them back to the present Khushi's voice surely did. Arnav and Akash quickly let go of each other yet they both couldn't ignore the feeling they shared. They both felt like they found a missing piece in a puzzle.

The feeling of togetherness overpowered their thinking. This can't be coincidental. Arnav only had a memory of his three-year-old brother who had hazel brown eyes like him and his father and a sharp nose like his mother. 

He never bothered to look for his little brother. But meeting Akash suddenly gave him a tiny bit of hope that his brother must be somewhere around and it's time for him to search for him. 

As for Akash, this was a surreal moment. He came here to meet the mafia lord ASR who is about to cut a deal with his best friend. But instead, he found a man whose hug warmed up his brotherly feelings. 

Akash for the first time saw a ray of sunshine. He felt like he belonged somewhere. He felt like he found peace in the arms of this man who happens to be the biggest thorn in his career and his life. 

"ASR, shall we get this going?"

"Sure NK, Akash, please have a seat. What would you like to drink? Tea or Coffee? And breakfast?"

"That's fine Arnav, I had breakfast before I left so a coffee is fine"

"So, how are you?"

"I am good. How are you? I like your place by the way. It's in the middle of the city yet close to nature"

"I know, I feel connected to nature than I connect with people"

"True that. They are easy to get along with"

Khushi couldn't take this anymore. Akash and Arnav continue their small talk as if they meet every day. No one can say these two are meeting for the first time. Khushi looked at NK and whispered,

"Are you sure they don't know each other?"

"Now I can't be sure either. Look at them."

"This is so not a way a criminal and an office should talk"

"What? Criminal? You mean ASR?"

"Can you see anyone else around here NK?"

"Oh, you mean that criminal. True I agree"

"Whatever, he is your friend, get him back to being ASR, there's a limit a person can handle Arnav. We need ASR here"

"Why don't you try Khushi, maybe he'll listen to you. After all, after 6 months he anyways has to"

"In his dreams, but you'll feel better visiting him at the jail every day. Or maybe you never know, depending on the evidence I find, you guys can be cell mates"

"Keep dreaming Khushi. Oh should I say Khushi Bhabhi"

Khushi and NK were busy taking each other down and none of them realised Arnav and Akash are already looking at them.

"Does she like this all the time or this is a special occasion?"

"Huh, believe me, this is her better self"


"Yes, she can be a handful"

"Did you call me handful? Akash, I thought you are my friend and you are here to clear some things out?"

"Why don't we all sit down and get this meeting started"

NK got everyone seated and started the meeting.

"So Akash, Khushi tells me you have some questions you need answers to before she and ASR sign this deal?"

"Hi, I'd feel more comfortable if I know with whom am I talking?"

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am NK, ASR's Business Manager"

"Hi NK, nice to meet you. Yes, I do have a few questions. I believe all of us know why are we here. So no need to re-explain that. But all I want to know is, that whether there is a hidden agenda behind this deal?"

"Akash, it's as simple as I said. Khushi will have full transparency"

"What if you guys have already hidden the evidence? How can we believe you?"

"Akash, ASR owns a multi-billion dollar business. Do you really think hiding everything is even possible? If Khushi is as capable as she claims to be, she'll find whatever she is expecting to find. We cannot guarantee what she is going to find, but it's totally up to her. Take it or leave it"

"Akash, I have already told you I want to take this deal. Nothing you say can change my mind now. I know what am I doing"

"Ok, but I also want to read a copy of the contract before she signs it. Since ASR have you as his second person, I want to be her second person"

"NK, that's a fair request. Call the lawyer and ask him to come now"

"I have already texted him. He'll be here soon"

"Oh Akash, I do have to tell you, your girlfriend is really nice but she does talk a lot"

"My girlfriend? How do you know her Arnav?"

Akash looked at Khushi and Khushi explained everything. Akash was beyond angry. So basically Payal is the main reason behind this mess. 

He couldn't believe she took money from Arnav and gave details about Khushi in return. He felt betrayed. He trusted her with his life, and he shared secrets with her but she broke his trust for a few thousand rupees.

"Akash, don't be angry. Talk to her once you leave. Do not shout at her. Believe me, I wanted to bash her last night but then I thought leave it. What happened has happened. Maybe it turned out to be good for us"

"But Khushi, how dare she, if she can't respect you, she should have respected our love. She betrayed me and my love"

"I know how it feels. But listen to her side of the story before you do anything ok? promise me?"

"Ok, I promise. But Khushi...."

"ASR, he's here"

Before he finished his sentence, they all heard NK's voice.

"You and I have something very important to discuss. Keep the evening free"

Akash took his phone out and texted Payal then turned his head around to face NK. 

"Akash and Khushi, please meet our lawyer Mr Shayam Jha"

Akash's mouth fell wide open when he saw his sister's husband who claimed to be a real estate agent standing in front of them as Arnav Singh Raizada's lawyer.


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