Chapter 45

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"Akash, bro look at her, it's all in her face. Don't tell me you didn't notice?"

"What's on her face and what? can someone explain what is going on?"

Khushi looked down trying to hide her face and Arnav gave his famous frown to NK gesturing him to shut up.

"Shut up NK. I didn't ask you guys here so that you can continue with your nonsense. We have big news to share"

"Bro, the news you are going to share is evident. Just need to know what's after that"

"NK, I am warning you, one more of your stupid comments and you are locked out of the room"

NK took a step back and decided to shut his mouth. He knew his friend better than anyone. Arnav is a man of his word.

Once they all settled, Arnav took the initiative and explained to Akash and NK how he and Khushi have feelings for each other and how they want to get married for real.

"See, Akash told you. If you had believed me earlier, we could have avoided the repeat telecast"

"Bhai, hats off to you for dealing with this guy for all these years and Khushi, congratulations. I did warn you but seems like you ignored my warning"


This time it was Arnav who was clueless. What warning is Akash talking about?

"Yes Bhai, when she told me about her plan initially, I warned her not to fall for you"

"Shut up Akash, you were just joking around. It was nothing like that. I didn't even know him then"

"Wow Khushi, I am impressed with myself. I managed to steal your heart even before we met each other"

"Huh, don't give much credit to yourself Arnav, Khushi said Akash was joking"

"Why are you jealous NK?"

NK, Akash and Arnav started pulling each other's legs and Khushi didn't want to be the party pooper by they came here so that they can discuss the contract.

"Um, guys, as much as I want you guys to continue this should be concentrating on the real problem now?"

"Oh yes, sorry, these two took me with them. So, now comes the real issue"

Arnav explained to NK and Akash how he is going to ask Shyam to nullify the contract and how they are planning on keeping this a secret.

"Bhai, I know he is my brother-in-law but can we trust him? He did lie about his profession for years"

"Akash, I agree that he lied to you and your parents. But he didn't lie to your sister"

"Arnav, Akash does have a point. He is the one who created this contract in the first place so don't you think he'll choose to support the people who have more power?"

"NK, it will only take me a minute to destroy those people but if I do so, the aftermath will not be good for any of you guys including my suppliers. When it comes to Shyam, I think we can trust him"

"I don't know Arnav. But my question is when both of you know you have feelings for each other and this marriage is real as it can be for both of you, why complicate things with this contract?"

"Yes Bhai, why don't you just leave it as it is? As long as you both are on the same page, what does it matter what's in that contract?"

In reality, Arnav didn't have any problems with having this contract in the background. He was just looking after Khushi since she created havoc about this. He looked at Khushi shrugging his shoulders.

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