Chapter 31

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Khushi had a sleepless night. Her sleep took over by an angelic demon called Arnav. She tried hard to sleep but only managed to get some sleep early in the morning. Therefore, when she heard to loud knocking on her door she woke up cranky.


"Can you please open the door, I am so excited to meet you"

Khushi heard a female voice she has never heard before.

"Who is out there?"

"Can you please open your door, it's me LA"

"LA? Who the hell is LA?"

Khushi got off the bed and opened her door to welcome a cheerful girl in her mid-twenties standing outside her room. The girl has dark brown curly hair and she wore a bright pink dress. As soon as she opened the door the girl jumped on and hugged Khushi.

"Omg, ever since I heard about you, I couldn't wait to see you. I hardly come here because I don't want to be here when he is here. But look at that, he himself called me today. I can't believe what has changed. So what time are we leaving?"

Khushi tried hard to understand what this girl is talking about. Who is this girl?

"Umm, Who are you? I don't think I met you before nor I have heard about you"

"I am LA, NK's girlfriend. Sorry, I was so excited to meet you and forgot my manners"

"Hi, I am Khushi. No relation to anyone here"

"Liar, NK told me you are going be the head of this house soon"

"Head of this house? Look, I had a sleepless night so my brain is not functioning properly. Either you talk in full sentences or please leave"

Khushi tried to be polite as possible but this cheerful girl isn't helping. Even after she asked her to get the hell out of her room in a decent way, she stood there with a smile.

"I know how you must be feeling. First of all, have a seat. You look like you had a sleepless night, hence the crankiness"

Khushi sat on the bed and LA asked one of the houses helps to bring them two coffees.

"A cup of caffeine always helps"

"Thanks. Sorry I blasted. I am usually not like this. It's the sleep deprivation talking. Nice to meet you LA. What brings you here?"

"Today is NK's birthday and ASR has organised a party for him. NK and I have been dating for some time now but can you believe it when I say I have never seen ASR in person"

"Really? So this is your first visit to this house?"

"Not really, I've been here a few times when ASR is not around. I had a feeling that he is allergic to girls until NK told me about you and the plan you guys have for the wedding. At first, I thought he must be joking. Please don't mind me, but ASR and marriage. It's a miracle"

"See LA, Arnav and I aren't getting married. I am sure NK was joking. I am only here for my work and I'll be leaving as soon as I finish my work"

"Oh come on, I know he is ASR and you guys want to keep this under wrap. I can understand how crazy it will get if the media comes to know about it. So I'll act as I believe you"

Khushi didn't bother correcting her. After all, she'll be out of this house and their lives in a few months.

"So you came here to attend his birthday party?"

"Yes, but the most important thing is ASR himself called me. He asked me to come and help with the planning. All thanks to you Khushi. You've changed him for good. Now the real reason why I came to your room. We need to go shopping"

"What? Shopping? Oh no, please. Not me LA"

One thing Khushi hated the most if shopping. First, because she feels it is a waste of time but the real reason that she doesn't want to admit is that Khushi never had any female friends. The only friend she has in her life is Akash. She has a few other casual friends from work but all of them are guys. She never had a female friend which whom she can do all this girly stuff. Deep down she wanted to be this girl but the circumstances and her field of work always came in the middle.

"I am not going to take no for an answer Khushi. We have a party to plan and we need dresses too. Unless you have a dress for the party"

"A dress? I thought it is going to be only a few people. How large is this party going to be? I don't think I would want to attend"

"Large? ASR invited all their business partners, contractors, and their mutual friends and pretty much there will be hundreds of people. And not attending is not an option"

Khushi thought for a second. This is her chance to find some evidence. Who knows she might not get another chance like this.

"Oh LA, you convinced me. Ok, if you insist I will attend the party. Give me five minutes to get ready"

Khushi had a quick shower and got ready. All the crankiness she had disappeared and was replaced with sudden excitement.

Khushi was hoping for a boring tired day but much to her surprise she really enjoyed spending time with LA. It felt like she has been missing a lot in her life. She remembered her mother always used to say to her father that a person should work so that they can live a good life, not the other way around. But for Khushi, it was always live so that she could work. Today she realised what she was missing by following the opposite of what her mother preached. They both got their nails and hair done, done clothes shopping and had lunch LA updated Khushi will lots of gossip about NK and Arnav.

Once they reached home, LA got busy with decorators and Khushi went to check on Arnav. She did take the responsibility of taking care of him so she must do as she promised. She looked around to find Arnav in the library.

"I hope I am not disturbing you?"

"No no, come on in. I was doing some reading"

"It is really nice of you to plan this party for NK and LA seems like a great girl. She is extra happy because you called her"

"I thought instead of judging her I should give her a chance. You never know how people can surprise you. By the way Khushi, I was looking for you because I wanted to ask you something"


"Would you be my date for the party?"

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