Chapter 41

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Weeks passed since Khushi found out about her parents' death. She knew there is no investigation left. Arnav's dad has put a complete stop to the illegal businesses she conducted.

The only breach they did was the deals done by their former interim CEO. Arnav already explained that to her. Since Arnav was not legally employed by the time that breach was done there is no case. Khushi knew she failed as an agent.

Her only trump card was to find something about his illegal weapon dealing but the documents Shyam sent proved Arnav actually supplied weapons to the military. That part of his business is jointly done with the higher authorities of the government hence proving the protection he is getting from her bosses. Due to the nature of that business majority of details were classified.

She has only a month left and as hard as it may be she must take a back seat. She felt angry towards her bosses. They have never encouraged her investigation of Arnav. Whenever she questioned or requested some undercover operations her bosses will cut her off by saying their best of best weren't successful in conducting a mission like that and those agents went awol after some time.

Khushi now understood all that was just a facade to protect their collaboration with Arnav. No wonder she never met any of these so-called undercover agents who claimed to have gone missing after conducting operations against Arnav. It was clear that this image was created to protect the classified deals. The only reason she is finding out about this is that she conducted this secret mission.

"When I signed that contract with Arnav was just two people who met. But since we now share something he might reconsider the contract"

"Khushi, he is not an idiot. At least you should give him credit now. There must be a strong reason for him to sign that contract. Because from the start he knew you won't find anything against him. Meaning, he knew there is a 99.99% chance that you both will end up getting married"

"But he said he loath love and marriage then why did he suggest this knowing it is going to happen?"

"That's what I am telling you to find out the real reason behind this contract. Go and talk to him"

Khushi ended the long debate she did with herself and decided to confront Arnav about the contract. There must be something she doesn't know and today she is going to find it out either way.

"NK, have you seen Arnav?"

"I think he is in his den, so wait till he comes out"

"Den, as in painting room?"

"Yeah, he calls it his den. But he specifically asked not to be disturbed so wait till he comes out"

"To hell with his specifics, I need to talk to him now and I am going to do it now. He can't kill me now can he"

NK knew Khushi is the female version of Arnav. Making either of them understand something they don't want to understand is similar to stabbing yourself. NK was not in the mode so he shrugged and left Khushi to continue with her adventure.

Khushi marched towards the large double doors and knocked as hard as she can. She waited a few seconds but no reply. Gathering all the courage she had she pushed the doors making a loud noise.

"NK, Sam, I have told you guys, unless it's a life or death situation do not come here. This better be good... oh Khushi?"

"Yes, it's me, Khushi. Looks like knocking does work for you the way it works for the rest of the world"

"Looks like you don't understand do not disturb the way others in the world understand"

"It's not like you are acquiring world here in this room, you can afford to put the pain brush down"

"Khushi, listen..... get the hell out of this room, now"

Khushi looked at Arnav for a second then turned around and walked towards the door. Arnav was impressed and shocked at the same time. 

Impressed because he finally managed to tame this lioness and shocked because did her actually managed to tame this lioness. Without a fuss, she actually turned around to leave. This is a miracle.

Khushi on the other hand walked towards the door, closed it as loud as she can and turned the key around locking both of them inside the room.

Arnav felt angry and satisfied at the same time. Angry because as usual she decided not to listen to him and he is not used to people not listening to him. Satisfied because this is the Khushi he knows and likes. The Khushi who does what she wants without giving a damn about the rest. 

"Now, you and I both know I am not leaving this room until I get what I want. So how do you want to play? Shall we cut to the chase and get to the point or do you want to go back and forth until I get on to your nerves?"

Arnav knew arguing with Khushi won't help him. They both will end up bashing each other but in the end, he knew he would give in. She is correct, they should just get to the point.

"Ok Khushi, you have five minutes. Why are you here?"

"I want to know the real reason why you wanted me to marry you. No deals, no either you win or I win crap. The real reason. Because you knew the chances for me to find anything against you were zero to none. Meaning at the end you were going to win. So knowing the end result why did you? I remember you telling me you loath love and marriage"

"Khushi, are you kidding me? You made all this fuss because you wanted to know why I wanted to marry you?"

"Answer me. Do not try to change the topic. The sooner you answer, the sooner I'll leave this room"

"I already told you. You wanted something from me and I wanted something from you. Either I go to jail and suffer or you get married to me and suffer. Win-win deal for both"

"But if you loath love and marriage won't you be suffering as well?"

"I am used to taking risks in life Khushi. So you never know, I might end up enjoying being married to you. Because so far you have been doing a great job so I don't think I will suffer"

"I am serious Arnav, I have no time for your sarcasm. I know you and you wouldn't have made this deal just like that. So I am asking you for the real reason. I believe after everything we shared, I deserved to know the truth"

Arnav paused for a minute. She has a point. It's evident that they both have moved on from being strangers. They in fact crossed the levels of friendship a couple of times. Maybe it is time for her to know the truth.

"Ok, I will tell you the truth but you have to promise me no more questions after that"

"Ok, I promise but please the truth this time"


Thank you for all you love so far. I am focusing on Arshi a little at this point. I know some of you might have questions about who killed her parents?  Are they actually dead?  Was Anand the killer? Etc etc. These will be unveiled soon. 

But since it's the 41st Chapter, I belive it's time turn our focus towards Arshi a little :)

Happy Reading!

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