Chapter 19

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Akash turned around and saw Payal standing in the middle of the road and a large truck coming towards her way.

He dropped everything he had and ran towards her. Just a second before the truck hit her Akash pulled her out of the road.

"Have you gone mad? What the hell were you thinking?"

"I don't want a life without you Akash"

"So you'd just jump infant of a truck? Is this brain of yours filled with air?"

Payal was crying hard. She was shaking and wheezing.

"Payal stop crying. Come take a seat and let's talk"

"Believe me, Akash, I never wanted to hurt Khushi. I just wanted some time alone with you"

"All you need to do was to ask Payal. If you have vented out your frustration to me instead of to a random person a lot could have been prevented"

"I tried talking to you Akash but you never had time. Whenever I take out the topic about Khushi, you either leave or get angry. I know what I did was wrong. But for once, put yourself in my shoes and see. Then you'll realise"

Akash thought for a few minutes. What Payal did was wrong. Totally unforgivable but he put her through that road.

Had he been more tolerant towards her, given her attention and made her a priority this wouldn't have happened. Akash knew he is partial to be blamed for all this mess.

"Ok, tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Akash, I know trying to kill myself was a wrong move. I was not in my senses at that time. But listen to me carefully. I am giving you an ultimatum, you either choose Khushi or me. She can your friend, your sister, your work partner whatever. But she cannot be your priority. It's either me or her when it comes to your priority. And please chose what you feel. Don't worry about me, I am not going to repeat the stupid stunt I pulled back there"

Deep down Akash knew this day would come.

He didn't leave her another choice. He thought, he knew what he is supposed to do. It's high time he should think of himself and no one else.

"No rush Akash, if you need more time to think, take your time"

"No, I took a decision, Payal. So now you listen to me carefully. I will keep my distance from Khushi for the next 6 months. You and I will spend more time with each other. But, at the end of the 6th month if either of us felt trapped or suffocated by this relationship we are free to leave. If we both felt we belong with each other at the end of the 6th month, let's get married by the end of the year"

Payal thought. It scared her a little to think that there is a chance they won't work. But it's for their own good.

If by the end of this time they get separated it's fine. At least they gave it a try. But she believed in themselves. She was sure they'll work it through.

"Ok Akash, let's do this. Let's try and reinvent our love"

Payal hugged Akash and he hugged her back.

Meanwhile, Khushi and Arnav are having a hard time concentrating on the meeting they have attended. The time they spent trapped inside that elevator kept on playing in their minds.

"Why did I have to be open with her? I basically told her my life story which I have never shared with anyone. There are parts even NK doesn't know"

Thought Arnav. But he felt relieved. Arnav never felt comfortable opening up to someone. He kept all his sorrows, his feelings and his loneliness to himself. But today he didn't even try. It all came out naturally and now he is feeling as if a burden has been lifted.

Khushi on the other hand was in a dilemma. She was almost confident that Arnav and Akash can be brothers. But until she has concrete proof she cannot share this with anyone.

For that, she has to spend more time digging into their childhood which means spending less time looking for evidence against Arnav.

"Khushi you saw his eyes when he spoke. Every single word that came out from his mouth inside that elevator is true"

Khushi made herself understand. On one side she has her mission but on the other hand, she can reunite two brothers.

Deep down she wanted to spend more time on the latter. Something has changed between her and Arnav. There is this unspoken bond building between them and it scared her. The last thing she wants is to fall for a criminal.

"God, please help me. I want to help Arnav Ji and Akash but I don't want to back off from my mission either. I don't know what to do, please show me a way"

She murmured praying to god.

"Khushi, what are you doing? The meeting is over and we can leave now"

Arnav shook her by her shoulders and bought her back to the present.

"Oh, sorry, I was just a little detracted after that incident. But thank you for keeping me sane. You managed to divert my mind otherwise I would have ended up having a panic attack"

"I didn't know you were claustrophobic Khushi"

"Ever since my parents died I am afraid of smaller covered places. I feel like my breathing stops. I am glad you were there"

"Come on, let's go. What happened has happened Khushi. But promise me one thing"


"What happened inside that lift stays in the lift. The conversation we had shouldn't have happened. It was a weak moment and I don't want it to come back and bite me"

"There is nothing wrong in sharing your worries or issues. In fact, sharing lessens the burden. But I promise this will stay between the two of us"

"Thanks, Khushi. Let's go"

Arnav gestured for Khushi to take the lead and he walked behind her.

"Well, well, well, if it's not Arnav Singh Raizada I'll be dammed, that too in the flesh"

Both Arnav and Khushi turned around when they both heard sometime calling out to Arnav from behind.

Khushi saw Arnav's face turn from normal to red with anger. Whoever this is, definitely not in his good books.

"Sheetal Kapoor, What do I owe this special meeting?"

"Oh ASR, I haven't seen you in a long time. I thought you no longer did business with the Kapoor"

"Correction, I no longer do business with a certain Kapoor"

Khushi looked at the lady in front of them. She was about the same age as Arnav, with straight hair, a model-like body with emerald eyes. A deadly combination thought Khushi.

"And, who do we have here?"

The lady turned her eyes from Arnav to Khushi. Within a second Arnav wrapped his one arm around Khushi from the side and pulled her towards him.

"Sheetal, don't even try. She is not involved so do not get her involved"

Khushi turned her head from Arnav to Sheetal and then to Arnav looking for an answer. 


Merry Christmas my lovely readers :) May this season bring you all happiness :)

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