Chapter 43

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Khushi realised it was too late to take back what she said. Arnav was quick enough to catch it and now she will not hear the end of it.

"Have you gone mad? I was just commenting in general. Don't you worry about your image?"

"Don't change the topic, Khushi. Let me worry about my image but let's talk about your little proposal shall we?"

"It was not a proposal. Why do you take it out of context?"

"Didn't you just call me your husband?"

"I was giving you an example. Now that you opened up this topic I do want to talk about it"

"Go ahead I am listening my future WIFE"

Arnav purposely highlighted to word Wife just to irritate Khushi. He can see that she is getting hyper and in no time she is going to blast and when she does that he'll be right there to calm her down.

"You said you didn't want to go ahead with this but did that to protect me right?"


"And you also said you didn't go ahead with the second contract because you knew I am going to keep this a secret right?"

"Yes, but what's your point here? Why are repeating my words?"

"Since we both agree to the fact that I will keep it a secret, why do we have to go ahead with this marriage anyway? You don't want to get married to me. So why you are forcing yourself?"

Unfortunately for Khushi, Arnav is way too smart and he always finds a loophole that would turn anything in his favour.

Arnav closed the gap between them in a few steps and pulled Khushi towards him by putting his arm around her waist. Khushi who was not expecting anything like that flew towards him like the wind.

"Khushi, I said I didn't want to get married don't"

Khushi narrowed her eyes trying to understand what he is talking about. Her brain paused and her mind stopped working due to their close proximity. The only thing that was running through her mind was the amazing night they spent and she could feel the burning sensation rising through her body.

"What I said was in past tense Khushi. Didn't and don't are two different tenses. Understood?"

Saying that he increased the grip on her waist making Khushi gasp.

"Second thing, you didn't mention anything about yourself meaning you have no issues with getting married to me do you?"

"I.. well.. what I meant was for both of us"

"Khushi looks like your vocabulary is not supporting you today. First calling me husband and now this. Let's cut to the chase now shall we?"

"What do you mean?"

"Khushi, I am talking about that night. Don't tell me it meant nothing because your eyes gave away the minute I touched you that night"

"It was nothing, but that was a one-time thing and happened in the heat of the moment"

"Ok, I admit in the library it was the heat of the moment but then when you came into my room, was it the heat of the moment as well? Tell me the truth Khushi, was it?"

Khushi knew it was not worth hiding anything now. He has opened up a blank canvas and it was her choice to choose whether to paint or leave it blank. This time, for a change she is going to choose herself. Today she is letting coolers into her black-and-white life.

Khushi turned her head up and looked at Arnav and murmured softly,

"No, it was not"

Arnav looked at her. This girl, this person has changed his life upside down. She challenged him, she answered back, she doubted him, she protected him, she hurt him, she healed him and more than anything she helped him to see life in a different sense. This girl belonged with him. Arnav knew what he has to do.

"Khushi, it is the bond and the connection I was talking about. We can go back to Khushi. We crossed that bridge and there is no turning back now"

Arnav pushed Khushi away and it took Khushi a few seconds to get hold of herself and she was going to yell at him but stopped when she saw Arnav Singh Raizada on one knee in front of her. She was not stupid, she knew what was coming next and her heart started racing.

"Miss Khushi Gupta, ever since you came into my life you managed to give nothing but trouble. You questioned my every word, my every action. You challenged me every single day. You gave it back without any fear. When most of the people are afraid to even look at me, you stood there next to me giving an equal fight"

Arnav took her left hand and held it before continuing.

"You made me question my existence Khushi, you drove me nuts sometimes, you made me angry the way no one has ever done. But you were there the whole time. Even when you thought I was this world-class criminal you still stood there for me. You took care of me when I was vulnerable"

Tears started coming out of her eyes. Khushi has never experienced anything like that. She always thought her only worth is being an agent. She never thought she will make someone feel this way.

"Khushi, I always insulated myself against love to avoid the risk of a broken heart. With you, I realized that I was avoiding a complete heart. You make me whole"

"Arnav, you are making me cry. Please stop"

But in reality, she wanted him to stop because she was losing it. She wasn't exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. All she knew for sure was that right here and now, she was falling hard and she could only pray that he was feeling the same way.

Before Arnav continued Khushi realised there is no going back for her. Her heart no longer was with her. Her soul no longer was with her. Khushi felt that desire to be with him for every minute of the rest of her life so strong that she is frightened of herself.

"Khushi, when I first saw you, my heart stopped for a moment and skipped a beat. I knew that my life had been changed forever but I never thought you will end up being part of my life"

Arnav looked deep into her eyes and uttered the most beautiful words she has ever heard and he has ever spoken.

"Khushi, meeting you was in my fate, getting to know you as a person was my choice but falling in love with you had no control. Khushi, I am falling in love with you"


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