26: Who?

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"I almost misunderstood that you were avoiding me"

" Haha, Why would I?" Of course I was.

" Yes, Why would you." He smiled brightly and I felt my mind go blank. I am drunk in love. I am going crazy.

I ,like a dumb fool kept looking at him. I can never get enough of existence of him.

Oh ,How I wish you were mine.

" Miss Diana."


" There's something I need you to help me with."
I can help with something?

" Help?"

"You might have already noticed , but I have gotten better after the therapies I got from you and Killian." Killian is first name of Senior.


" But I still need a psychiatrist around me and Killian can't stay with me whole day, I need your help for that. Can you be with me as my personal psychiatrist?"

His personal psychiatrist. I can be his personal psychiatrist.

" You needn't to worry about your family, I will take the responsibility of their well being, you have my words ."

" But why me?"

" Why me, you say, Why should I find another person when I already have you?"

I felt heat rushing through my cheeks, why does he keeps on saying misleading words?

Calm down Diana, he doesn't mean in that way.

" ..o..h."

" I should take that as you agreed right?" He smiled brightly blinding my eyes

" ..y..yes." This is a win-win situation for me.
I can be with him all day.
Kids would be taken care of.

" Okay than." He stood up from bench.

" My driver will pick you up tomorrow at sharp, 6am. I expect you to not be late, Doctor." He smile and left the park my eyes glued to his back still not believing what just happened.

What was that?



I trembled hearing his voice from behind the door of his office.
I arrived on time, but I don't have courage to face his anger, do I have any other option?

Door opened as a terrified man came out of the door. Brown hair, Black orbs, a glass resting on his nose.

As if it was hallucination, his body language changed from a terrified being to the person who terrifies other.

" You purpose of visit?" He asked, his voice strict and polite at the same time.

I was awestruck by his professionalism.

"..I am hired as Mr. Martínez's personal psychiatrist." I felt his eyes scrutinizing me.

" I see." He replied and finally moved out the way after gesturing me to enter he left without looking back.

I took a deep breathe and knocked on the door.

I waited for the "come in" and entered the office.

He sat on his chair, his blonde hair perfectly combed his face buried in documents.
His picture perfect side profile was one of a view.

" Hello, Mr. Martínez. " I greeted with a professional smile as he finally look up at me.

" Hello, Doctor." He smiled at me. He.smiled.at.me.

" Mr. Martínez, Can I know what exactly is my role?"

" You just have to be my side."

" What?!"
He is doing this since yesterday, saying misleading things.  Stop giving me hope. It hurts.

" Doctor, I lose my temper easily, I don't want to end up killing someone in fit of anger, hope you understand."

" Oh..yes.." 

" You can sit on the sofa there, there are many books on the bookshelf in case you want to read."


My legs automatically took me to the shelves

My eyes sparkled looking at the amount of book.






" Diana!!!!!"

"YES!, yes! Yas! ... where am I...." I was deep in my fantasy land when a familiar voice called my name, I was startled.

I look around flustered,"AAAAAAHH HOLY MOTHER OF PANCAKES!!!"

my heart almost jumped out of my chest when I noticed Roderic's face infront of me.

"Pft bwahahahhahaha" Roderic fell on the sofa beside me while laughing hard.

My cheeks were burning of embarrassment.
Please ground swallow me up. I have top quality organic compounds inside me.

Anyways,I admire the beautiful scenary of my love laughing. If I get to witness this I won't mind embarassing myself everyday.

To ruin my beautiful moment, Roderic's phone rang.
His smiling eyes glace at me as he picked up the phone. He seems so relaxed and... happy. With me. I really love this guy.

" Who?" I heard him ask the caller, I had missed half of the conversation while admiring him.

" Send her in."

Her? Who is coming?

After the phone call ended he look at me, for more than few seconds.
I blinked unsure of what to do.

" Doctor."
His voice held no emotion. I gulped, don't tell me the person who is coming is

" Crystal is here."


A/n: heyy hoomans.

To my dear hoomans who were telling me to write long chapters.

Guys,  the thing is I write when I feel.
And when I say I feel means feel the characters their emotions, their thoughts and I stop writing when my brain gets tired , after all, feeling is tiring.
The last 3 chapters were supposed to be single chapter but I updated them cause I didn't wanted you all to wait.

Anyways, I really really appreciate your comments. Thank you for commenting and Okaayy I will try writing long chapters, pinky promise.

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