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" How is Crystal?" Asked the old man who sat infront of us. He just had to ruin my precious mood does he.

" How would I know?" I noticed the change in Roderic's temperament who sat beside me.

Suddenly the hem of my least favorite dress became interesting.

" Grandpa, I just accepted her Secretary because of you--"

"Since when did someone can force The Roderic Martinez from doing the things he doesn't want to." My heart clenched. Yes . I know, he did that to keep her close to him. He wants to make her jealous.

" I don't think, you need to ask ' Since when' grandpa." I shivered at Roderic's cold voice.

I flinched when he suddenly stood up and held my hand. He dragged me outside the restaurant.

I look back at his grandpa who still sat at the place he was smiling. Creepy old dude.




" This is what you call a presentation!? Go and remake them." I watched as Roderic tore the pages of the file Crystal had made.

Roderic sat on his exclusive sit.

Crystal stood infront of his table bowing her head,

I took a sip of my tea. Live tv show. And why isn't her presentation and digital one?

" You are being unreasonable sir!"
Upon being ignored.

The petite beauty's eyes shone of tears, her cheeks red, lips quivering.

Her platinum blonde hair was left freely which reached till her waist. She wore a lilac dress which enhanced her innocence.
She held the expression of ' wronged'.



Ahem. No. Interesting. Another sip.

Life have been interesting these few days.
I am very much enjoying this phase of Novel.

I don't remember whether it was in original or not. But damn do I love it. Yes I do.

The constant dialogues of bossy CEO and his meek Secretary.

She took place of Davin, remember that Secretary guy?He still comes to the company probably to guide her or something . *Sip*

These days Roderic is making her do the work agan and again. Well, I won't blame him.

This girl got this position by getting recommended by his grandpa. Does she even have the classification of getting the post of secretary, directly?

Ah! I still can't get off the conversation of Roderic with his grandpa. I don't like his grandpa, don't ask why.

A sip of tea.

Crystal gracefully picked up the pages from the ground her shiny hair fell in her face. Onlookers will held the urge to touch those hair.

I just have one question.
Why doesn't this Miss Rapunzel ties her hair?
I mean she can borrow rubber band in case she doesn't have one. I am extremely kind hearted I would lend you wholeheartedly.

I didn't took my eyes off her until she disappeared from the office. Yep, She is pleasing to eyes.

"Doctor.." i heard as I felt something ticklish in my ear.

" mAMMMA!" I squealed when I noticed Roderic beside me. Just when did he sat beside me.
What is he? Flash.

" Can you please stop doing that?" I complained clutching my heart and I rubbed my ear, I look the culprit smiling ear to ear.

" You seem to enjoy it" he said, what? Him being close to me . Yes.

" ..w..what?"

" Watching mine and secretary's Interactions." He leaned back in the Sofa his face turned to me.

" Haha" i laughed awkwardly. Wtf should I reply. I picked up my book and tried myself to distract from this creature.

' the king pulled her on his lap, beauty quivered on his touch...'

" So you enjoy this kind of books, Doctor."

I immediately shut the book and hide it behind me. It sandwiched between me and Sofa.

I know my face tomato already. It's proved now.

The Embarassment infront of your crush Universal and inevitable .

" Ahem, so!?" I tried to keep my straight face and look directly in his eyes. Beautiful.

I noticed a glint of amusement passing through his eyes.

*Knock* * knock*

"Come in."

" Oohh, Hey Psychiatrist!" The Davin guy entered and smiled.

One thing I have noticed their personality is contrary to what described in the novel. This dude not at all gives off the vibe of Number one Assassin in the gang.

" Hey."

"Contact my secretary for further information. You'll find him in--wait, I don't need to tell that, since you know already."

Roderic's conversation with Crystal flashed in my mind.
There fight have something to do with Davin?
Wait, wait, wait, Wasn't Davin the Second male lead ?

Means, it's the misunderstanding phase of them, the misunderstanding caused by the female lead's involvement with second male lead.

" How are you , Doctor?"

"I am fine." I felt uneasy. Did Davin get involved with his Boss + Best friend's lover.

Why would he? He is the right hand man of Roderic. Was it the plot hole of the novel?

" Doctor?"

"Yes?" I look at Roderic.

"You don't look fine." I froze when He put his hands on my forehead.

" Your temperature is normal."

"Ah!I am fine just sleepy." I half lied.

" There's a hidden bedroom inside you can sleep there."

" Hello guys!! " Davin waved his hands between us.

" I am still here!!Doctor go to the room!! and you"

he pointed his finger at Roderic and put his one hand on his hip.

" Get up your lazy ass and get the work done. You have piled up work of three days!! what were you eve--forget it! Go to work!!" He glared at his boss.

Meanwhile I was too stunned to speak.

As I have no mood of getting scolded I slowly slipped through sofa and ran to the bedroom, when I was closing the door of the room I saw the pitiful face of my love getting scolded by his real secretary.

I noticed his pitiful eyes which makes me wanna pin him dow---

Sorry love, you chose this profession, All the best! you can do it. I am with you. sleeping.

I gave him a thumps up, a bright smile and closed the door.


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