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They talked about things.
It turned out that Lydia and Senior are friends and that's how she met Roderic.
She is married to that person, I remember who technically kidnapped me?

They did not tell me more and I didn't ask reading the room.
I felt unwilling to bring up my kidnapping incident, Scared, what if Roderic actually didn't care about me and he went to Crystal.
I felt a wave of insecurity hitting me.
But I chose to shrug it off.

" Diana, we wanted to ask you about the..umm book." Senior carefully put the words, I noticed him taking a glance at Roderic's hands around my waist for a split of second.

I just look at him, expecting him to continue.

" Where did you get the book from?"
I suck at lying. I know but do I have another option? What should I say.

From my observation I have come to notice that they believe that the book about Roderic is written by someone from this world. Someone who knows him too well, maybe they want to catch that person because it's dangerous for them.

"I don't remember."
The answer is not unbelievable. Senior knows that I have selective amnesia, he will doubt but not like he have another option than believing what I said.

I felt the hands around me loosen, as the alarm in my mind went off.

The insecurity surrounded me, desperation engulfed me, my eyes went to the man beside me, he had no emotion on his face while looking at Senior.

Did my answer disappoint you?
I am sorry. Don't leave me.

He noticed my gaze and turned to me.
The blank face displayed my favorite smile, his eyes held mischief as his hands around me tighten.
I was ready for a teasing remark from him, but he stopped.
Why did you stop? Say it. I need that.
I need..

" What happened? Are you okay?" He asked worried about me. I made him worry.
Did he notice? He knows what face I make when  I am not okay.
When did you start paying attention to me?when did you start to care about me? Oh wait, he cares about all of his people. I am his people.

Wasn't there a time when I wished just to be included in his people. Turns out, I am greedy.
What a not-so-shocking revelation.

"Ah,of course I am fine, what will happen to me?" I  am not fine, Infact I am slowly getting done with this emotional rollercoaster.
Can't I just be at peace?

"Anyways, what were you asking Senior?"
I look at him,  attempt to divert the topic from me.

Senior examined me for a good ten seconds " that's all, I wanted to ask"

"Yeah of course"
I said, it came out somewhat sarcastic, I regretted the tone a little bit.

"Sir---no-- stop"
A woman barged into the living room, few servants trying to stop her, but few man preventing the servants from doing so.

The woman came off eerily similar to Crystal in looks with her platinum blonde hair and stature, however her eye colour unlike Crystal was black.
Her personality seemed contrast, she gave of the reckless aura, unlike certain kind and gentle someone.

"Hey guys!, Missed me?" She grinned and almost ran inside.

Senior was the first one to react" Have some manners, Young lady!" He didn't look pleased with the situation.

"Hello to you too, brother." She waved her hands and made her way to him.

"Heyy,Roderic, I didn't knew you would be here"
It not at all seemed like she didn't knew.
Eyes off my man,woman.

" Oh,and who might that be" She asked her smile dropping when she noticed me and more when she noticed the hands around my waist .

" My girlfriend " Roderic replied. I shrugged of my mind's scream loudly whispering that it's all an act. He is using me. I am going to pretend, everything is normal.

"What about you and Crystal? Did you cheat on her?" The temperature in the living room fell down. A chilling silence surrounding the area.

"We will be going now" Roderic stood up with me, holding my wrist he made his way outside the room.

I struggled a little to keep up with him.
We went outside and to the limo.
I was made to sit inside.
He sat beside me.
He seemed enraged. His hands went to his pocket he took out a cigarette, but stopped midway glancing at me he put that back.

" ...Why?"
I blurted out my thought.

" Huh?" He was confused.

" I .. don't understand."

" What?" He turned towards me sideways.

"You...and everything."

" You can ask if you are curious about anything"

" Anything?"

" what if you got angry?"

" I won't."

" Why are you doing this?"

" Doing what?"

" playing around with me? " I said out loud what I refused to accept

" What makes you think I am playing around with you?"

" Maybe, the fact that you are still in love with your ex." His eyes look at me,blank .

"And you claim that you know everything about me." He gave a smile, a hurt, disappointed and more sarcastic smile

"I claimed no such thing " I barely held myself from bursting out.

" Your arrogant eyes says otherwise."

" What do you want for me?" I seethe in anger, pain, as I grab him by his collar, dragging closer to me, controlling the urge to rip everything off him, kissing him, till we cry.
Hug him, and break him before myself. My sole reason to exist.

"Trust me doctor, you are not ready to know what I want from you " he smirked as his hands wrapped my waist.
I can feel my heart roaring, as he pulled me closer to him.
Covering me as


The limousine crashed into something, loud gunshots could be heard from outside, I would have gotten hurt if it wasn't for Roderic covering me.

He had both of us sit below hiding inbetween the seats as I could hear bullets striking the windows but it didn't break, it was bulletproof.
I look up at Roderic.

"Stay inside, Doctor." He ordered sliding the door open after recoiling his gun he stepped out, I could hear the gunshots.

After a few minutes the door opened I stayed frozen at my spot in the corner.
Someone stepped inside, covered in blood, it wasn't Roderic.

I was frozen enough to not show any resistivity as I was dragged out by my arms, thrown roughly to the ground than dragged inside a building. Another construction site.

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