part 14

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Taehyung's angry pheromones are oozing from him as he was clenching on his pup but the pup was very calm just whimpering time to time only for Taehyung to notice how his omega is releasing calming pheromones without his knowing to calm his Alpha.
Taehyung look at his omega lovingly and made him sit on the bed and asked "do you not fear me? "
" No! Tae Tae is nice just meanie to everyone but not me " And hugged him and Tae Mumbles
" Right only you! I can never get angry on you pup" And Tae tried to talk to kookie about school,
" Bun how about you go to school?"
bun said " What is school Tae Tae? "
And tae explained" We go to school so we can read and write , make new friends play with them, learn new words, learn about new places, learn about our past and present, read many stories at last know the world we are living in and try to make it a better place for everyone "
" It's fun kookie will go" Kookie really likes new friends, playing, visiting places so he was happy.
Taehyung was content knowing the pup is happy but this is not the only thing going on in his head, he was afraid very afraid to begin with because he don't know what his Halma Mama is planning as past few days were quite Ma Eum also didn't try to approach him and he also avoid Debi mama's quarter. He doesn't worry about himself he was worried for his pup if anything happens to his pup what he will do?
In just few days Tae became addicted toward the omega he need his scent all the time after practice he directly visit kookie's chamber he basically lives there but he is very gentle with the pup, Tae knew that jungkook is his Luna but he is still a baby and he have to wait for kookie! he adore kookie as a pup but their wolf had a bond even if the wolf was also the same age as kookie but he knew from the start who Taehyung is, well white wolfs are basically born with natural powers and this is one of the powers.
Dewang Debi Mama has her people around the palace nothing is hidden from her but she don't know the reason why Tae don't visit her anymore and Ma Eum also had to visit her hometown for some emergency, the timing is not in her favor but she will surely make the time in her favor with that thought she called the Royal Physician shin in her chambers
Tae is going to be 17 soon and Jae Hee was worried for only one thing Tae's rut! As a Prince he have lots of serving Omega's but her Majesty knew her son, he was never interested in any omega except Kookie but they can't mate now and As A trueblood his rut is going to be much more painful so she thought to talk to him as days are nearing and being near his omega for too long may trigger his rut so she called Tae to meet her in her Chamber...
" Eoma Mama it's me"Tae said entering the room
" Come bub I need to talk to you"her Majesty said frowning
" Eoma mama what is it are you tense for something? "Tae asked concerned because of the frown in her face
" Yes bub I think it's time to talk about your rut, you are going to be 17 in few days and your rut can start any time "
Tae asked blinking "But rut start at the age of 18 and I am turing 17"
" Bub you are always near kookie and this might trigger your Rut early" His mother said soothingly but Tae turn red after hearing this, is he spending too much time with the pup no right or is he? " He needs me from time to time what can I do Eoma mama? "Tae asked pouting and his mother just chuckled and said " Of course he needs you he is your mate and finds comfort in your embrace but bub it can cause early rut too and if that happens do you want a Rut partner?"His mother asked fearing the outburst which didn't happen as Tae was trying to process everything and then looked at his mother with big shocked eyes" Wh..what partner? What the hell is that? you know that pup is so small how can you think I will harm him Eoma Mama"Tae was furious he was 16 year old boy who knows very small about rut and mating and still processing everything with time. He thought his mom want his mate to spend rut with him and as a trueblood everyone told him how dangerous he will become in his ruts and he need strong mate to bear with him and he can't harm his pup and her Majesty understood the confusion so she said, "bub I didn't said your mate I said rut partner as in some other wolf not your mate who can help you in you're rut"
Now Tae understand but he was stunned! how can his emomma think he will spend his intimate time with any other wolf then his mate??and he shouted, " Eoma Mama you know I don't want anyone except my mate even if I had to suffer for years I will gladly do that for my omega! "
"But bub it will hurt a lot I just don't want to see you hurt "
" But what will you answer Aunt Areum when she will ask am I loyal to kookie? Or am I deserving for her son? After using some random omega for my pleasure what worth I will have to face my mate Eoma Mama? "
Jae Hee had tears in her eyes she was happy that she raised a gentleman but hurt too that how can he only think about Tae when kookie is also her son she was ashamed! Tae said" I am Leaving kookie is waiting for his bed time story " Jae hee was sobbing and just nodded her head giving her son permission to leave her chamber.

Tae was angry but he knew his mom was just trying to help but this is not something she can help him with and she has to understand that.
As days passed by Kookie became more clingy toward Tae and Tae was just as clingy as his omega but Her Majesty knew too much time with each other will not end up in their favor as they are both young so she made some decisions and decide to talk to Taehyung about it before his 17th birthday.

Hello readers
I dont know how to thank you guys for reading and voting for this story, actually its my first story and i am kinda introvert you can say so please bear with me and Thanks a lot to all of you
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A lot of twists are ahead 😉😉

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