Chapter 2

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Four hours later, they arrived at the entrance of the path to the cabin. She looked into the dusk and swallowed before opening her car door. The minute she stepped out of the car, her body went ice cold. She shuddered and turned towards the guys.

"Okay. Now what we do, the three of us will get some B roll and place the cameras while it's still daylight. Then we'll grab dinner and wait for dark."

She nodded and pulled the sleeves of her sweatshirt down over her hands. She glanced over to see Wyatt staring at her.

"You good."

She nodded again. "Yep. Just tell me what you need me to do."

Ryan shouldered the backpack containing one of the cameras and some of the gear. He handed his sister a small bag with waters in it and stepped back as the others grabbed more gear. "We'll find somewhere to set this stuff up."

They walked down the overgrown path to the cabin and set up a small table inside the doorway. Riley stood back as the guys set up the laptop and the equipment for the video.

"Can I do anything?" She asked, her eyes scouting out the room they were currently in.

"No, we got this. Almost done." Wyatt assured her and stood back up. "We're good."

"Now....." Ryan clapped his hands once. " we eat!"

"Taco Bell!" River called out from the other room.

"We don't need something telling us to leave again because one of you farted." Wyatt joked and laughed when Riley almost choked on her water.

"There was a place in town that we had soups and sandwiches. The menu had a few vegan things on it." Ryan shrugged as he looked at his siblings.

"I'm in." Riley nodded.

"Let's go." Wyatt held the door open for them and closed it behind as they walked back towards the car.


The Investigation 

"Hello. I know you've probably seen us walking around. I'd like to introduce ourselves. My name is Ryan. The guy to the left of me is Wyatt. The guy to the left of him is my twin brother, River and the girl next to me is our sister, Riley." Ryan looked around into the darkness. "Now we don't want to bother you but we're here to see if we can talk to anyone or if anyone wants to talk to us. Now you might have seen the devices we've put around this house. They won't hurt you but will help you to communicate with us."

She looked around and glanced at each of the guys as Ryan went on to explain the instruments to the spirits.

"Does anyone want to communicate?" He handed her an EMF meter. "Riley has an instrument in her hand. Would anyone like to step close to her? It doesn't make any noise but let's us know if you're standing next to her. Feel free to reach out to touch it. The harder you touch it, the more colors light up."

Her eyes widened at the possibility of something getting close to her. She heard a loud step off into the darkness and she jumped, moving a step closer to Wyatt. His hand reached out to touch her arm to assure her that he was close.



Her eyes widened again and her body chilled immediately at the names.

"Thank you!" Ryan grinned. "Thank you, girls, for letting us know you're here and telling us your names."

River's camera swung around to face all of them slowly. "Are you girls stuck here? How old are you? Why are you here?"

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