Chapter 6

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Wyatt heard Riley's voice from a distance and reached out his arms to try to find her. "Riley? Riley, where are you?" He walked a few steps and bumped into the bed. Slowly, he made his way to where he knew the bathroom door was. His hand reached for the doorknob and instantly withdrew as it burned his fingertips. "Fuck! Ryan......Ryan......" He called out.

Ryan heard his friend's voice from the other side through the screams in his head. "Stop." He whispered, his hands tight over his ears as the sounds continued to assault him. "Please. Stop."

".....sacrifice...." came the growl behind him in the darkness.

"What do you want?"

The sounds stopped suddenly and he lifted his head slowly. Opening his eyes, he blinked and turned, shifting to one knee as he looked around the bathroom. Standing slowly, he saw the darkness moving in front of him. He reached out a shaky hand and felt the pins and needles drift over his fingers and up his arm. His vision wavered and colors danced in front of him and he blinked as if underwater.

The lights came on and he vaguely heard the commotion on the other side of the door. He turned to look into the mirror and saw the dark shadow behind him lift him by the back of the neck and suspend him midair for a long second. Ryan saw dark eyes that met his in the mirror before it released him and he fell to the ground in a heap.


The lights came on and Wyatt blinked, turning to see Riley in the corner of her room. "'s okay. Come on. Let's get out of here." He grabbed her arm and pulled her toward the bedroom door as it flew open.

"What the fuck....." River managed to stop himself from falling as the door opened suddenly.

"Take Riley." Wyatt shoved the girl at her brother as he turned back towards the bathroom door. He slowly reached out his hand to touch it before realizing it was no longer burning him. Opening the door slowly, he caught sight of Ryan's boot and threw it open.

River and Riley were behind Wyatt as the door opened and River dove to his knees by his twin's side. "Ryan.....come on, Ry!" He gently slapped Ryan's cheek to wake him.

"Is he okay?" Riley's shaky voice asked from over them.

The two boys managed to turn Ryan onto his back. "Come on, Ry. Wake up."

Ryan groaned.

"His ear is bleeding." Wyatt said softly as he felt the warm liquid drop onto his hand.

Riley slid around them and grabbed a hand towel, wetting it and handing it to the redhead.

Ryan groaned again and opened an eye. "What the fuck was that?" He flinched a little at the towel touching his hot skin.

"I don't know but I think we need to get out of here before it comes back."

".......kevin......" came the voice from the spirit box .

"Kevin did this?!" Riley's eyes were wide as she stepped closer to her brothers and Wyatt.


"Kevin, did you stop this?" Wyatt asked as he helped Ryan sit up slowly.

Ryan's hand went up to the back of his head, rubbing.

"Careful. You might've hit your head."

"I'm good." He shook his head and looked up at the trio. His vision dimmed for a second and then he blinked as the colors brightened suddenly. "Yeah, I'm good."

"You sure, bro?" River asked as he continued to hold onto his brother's arm.


Slowly, they managed to get Ryan to his feet and held onto him until he steadied himself.

"I say we pack a bag and get the fuck out of here. We need to figure out what just happened." Wyatt suggested, his voice tense as he looked at River.

River nodded. "Riley, pack a bag. We'll go downstairs and each grab one." He glanced at his brother between them. "Can you walk?"

"Yeah." Ryan nodded tiredly.

The four of them made their way slowly down the steps and stopped on the main floor as River threw a bag together for him and then Ryan. He returned to his twin's side as Wyatt quickly headed towards his room to do the same.

"Wait....I've got to get Copper." River said as he looked around for the cat.

"I'll get him." Riley said as she went to grab the carrier and River called to the animal.

Copper came running from one of the bedrooms and stopped. Riley walked toward him and the cat backed up a step before darting into the hallway and disappearing.

Ryan listened to them calling for the cat for a few minutes more before he grew annoyed. "Forget the cat." He hissed and then shook his head to clear it. "I've got a headache."

Wyatt's brows furrowed. "Maybe we should take you to the hospital."

"No, I just need to sleep it off." Ryan insisted. "Sorry."

River hesitated and then nodded. "Let's go." He said and led the small group out of the house.

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